Misunderstandings (part 1)

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On a day with nice weather, Gyuvin and Yujin were home alone. Ricky and Gunwook had something scheduled for today and the rest of the members went grocery shopping.

Gyuvin gets up off the couch in ZB1's dorm living room. He makes his way towards 1 of the 2 bedrooms (one room holds 5, the other 4). He entered the one that happened to not be his. Once he entered he saw Yujin, lying down on his bed using his phone. Gyujin walked up and lied down right next to Yujin, however since there was no space left, he was practically just laying on Yujin.

"Ugh, get off," Yujin says, however, he naturally moves his body to make room for the giant.

Gyuvin backhugs the other while resting his eyes. Yujin, who before was tapping away to his game, was now loosening Gyuvin's grip around his waist to get up. Yujin succeeded and made his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Gyuvin whined.

"The living room,"

Gyuvin sighed as he got up off of Yujin's bed. He followed the younger and sat next to him on the couch. But again Yujin left.

"Now, what are you doing?" Gyuvin whined again, expressing displeasure.

"Making cup Ramen, I wanna watch that show I've been telling you about,"

Gyuvin lazy plopped his head down at the end of the couch. His long legs reaching the other end of the couch. "Make me one too,"

Yujin declined his request and came back holding his cup Ramen, carefully making sure not to spill the boiling hot water inside. He set his cup Ramen down and shooed Gyuvin's long legs away. Then he turned on the TV and set up his show.

When he was done, he glanced over at Gyuvin and noticed he was sleeping. Gyuvin's long legs were cramped into an uncomfortable position, due to the small amount of room on the couch.

Yujin shook Gyuvin awake.

"Hey, I'm going to watch the show so if you're gonna sleep, go to your bed,"

Gyuvin shook his head. "No, I wanna watch it with you," Gyuvin sat up and fixed his eyes on the screen.

However, about half way into the first episode, Gyuvin's head came down onto Yujin's shoulder.

Yujin, who was peacefully eating his cup Ramen and was very engrossed into the show, was startled. Yujin sighed, "Hyung, if you're really that sleepy, just go to your bedroom. You don't have to watch with me,"

Gyuvin shakes his head against the younger shoulder. "No, I'll watch with you." Gyuvin then snakes his arms around Yujin waist, hugging him.

Yujin frustratedly exhales through his nose. But he decides to not say anything.
After the first episode finishes, Yujin reaches out his arm to put down his cup Ramen but was restricted by Gyuvjn.

"Hyung, you can get off me now-"

Gyuvin was asleep again...

Yujin suppressed his anger by flaring his nostrils.

Once again, "Gyuvin hyung!" Yujin tapped the other awake.

Gyuvin lightly opened one eye and hummed a reply. "Hm?"

"Go to your bedroom,"


"You're not even watching. So just go sleep in your room,"

"But I wa-"

"Hyung, for once, can you just leave me alone?! Stop being so clingy and just go to your room and sleep," Yujin didn't shout but you could hear the surpressed anger in his voice.

Gyujin/Kongddakz One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now