Strong and Forgotten Bonds (part 2)

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Gyuvin was taken aback by what Yujin said. "Umm, I'm fine with anything."

"Then let's go on rollercoasters and then get food after," Yujin planned.

Yujin and Gyuvin started walking around, looking for a rollercoaster to ride.

Yujin wandered, looking all around him. He spotted a rollercoaster, he was looking at the Pirate Ship Rollercoaster.

"Hey, do you wanna go on that?"

No answer.

Yujin turned around.

'Why does he never-'

Gyuvin wasn't there and he was surrounded in a crowd. Yujin looked around but he couldn't see through the crowd of people. "Gyuvin?" He called out into the crowd. "Gyuvinn!"

Yujin sighed and pulled out his phone. But he groaned when he realized he didn't have Gyuvin's phone number.

'This is why I don't go out anywhere.'

Yujin texted Ollie.

Yujin: I lost your friend.

Yujin pushed through the crowd with no particular destination in mind. He saw a resting area and decided to sit down on a bench. He looked back at his phone.

Ollie: seriously?
Yujin: turned around and he wasn't there 🤷‍♂️
Ollie: where are you looking for him?
Yujin: I'm not looking for him
Yujin: I'm pretty sure he can manage by himself
Yujin: he's not a little kid

Ollie didn't reply back and Yujin got the message that he probably went looking for Gyuvin. Suddenly his phone started ringing, it was Seungeon.

"Hello," Yujin answered.

"Yujin! Where did you lose Gyuvin?" Seungeon asked slightly panicked. The place he was in was very crowded and loud.

"Near the pirate ship rollercoaster,"

"Okay and where are you?"

Yujin's eyes roamed around his surroundings.
"Sitting down on a bench not too far from-"

Yujin stopped mid sentence. His eyes landed on a boy. Looking around a shop with not a single care in the world.

Yujin scoffed. He was baffled. "Nevermind. I found him."

"You what?" Seungeon shouted over the crowd.

"I found him!" Yujin said louder.

"Oh! Ok I'll tell Ollie!" Seungeon hung up.

Yujin put his phone away and started walking to the store Gyuvin was in. When he entered, Gyuvin was looking at a hamster key chain. He had a small smile on his face but he seemed a little sad.

Yujin tapped his shoulder. He turned around and his eyes widened slightly. "Oh, Yujin."

"Why are you in here?" Yujin asked, he was a little irritated. He had his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

He put the key chain back. "I just... thought that you might want to be on your own..."

Yujin released a breath and calmed down. "Everyone was worried that you got lost,"

"Oh. Sorry..."

Gyuvin's phone started ringing. He pulled it out and answered. "Hello,"

"Gyuvin! Are you okay?! Why didn't you pick up? Where are you?" Ollie asked endless questions.

"I'm okay. I'm with Yujin,"

"You're with Yujin??"

"Yeah. We're okay, don't worry. Go have fun now," Gyuvin said and then he hung up.

Gyujin/Kongddakz One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now