Strong and Forgotten Bonds (part 1)

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Ever since Yujin started school, he has been friends with a boy named Gunwook. They did everything together, they were best friends after all. But in 6th grade, Gunwook moved schools without telling Yujin. Yujin was devastated. He became sad and gloomy all throughout 6th and 7th grade. He didn’t believe in any relationships anymore. That was until 8th grade when a new, persistent, kid named Seungeon came to Yujin’s school. Seungeon kept trying to become Yujin’s friend and after a while, he succeeded. They ended up going to the same high school and now they are in their junior year, in the same class. But enough with the back story…

“Yujin!” Seungeon called out.

Yujin looked up from his phone. He was waiting by his house so that he could walk to school with Seungeon.

Seungeon ran up to Yujin but stopped to catch his breath. "Sorry I'm a little late."

"It's okay but we should hurry," Yujin said as he put his phone away. "We don't wanna be late on the first day."

Seungeon nodded his head and they both started running towards the school. When they arrived at the schools front, they quickly checked what class they were in on the bulletin board. They were in the same class yet again.

Yujin checked his watch. "Oh we're actually a little early."

Seungeon was hunched over and breathing heavily. He was holding his chest. "Are you serious? We didn't have to run that much?"

"Nope," Yujin shook his head. "But at least we can pick our seats early."

Yujin turned around and made his way into the building. Seungeon followed behind him with heavy steps. They made their way up the stairs.

"Come onn," Seungeon whined. "Why am I doing so much physical activity on the first day back?"

Yujin chuckled slightly and shook his head. "It wasn't that much."

Seungeon shot Yujin a glare.

Yujin slid open the door to their classroom. The class was mostly empty. Only a few kids were sitting down and talking. The two of them made their way into the classroom and to the desks they wanted. The seats were the second last row in the back right (if you were looking from the front of the classroom) near the windows to the outside. Yujin sat in the window seat and Seungeon right next to him.

Seungeon stretched and yawned. He placed his head down on his desk facing Yujin. His arms were dangling underneath the desk and the sun was hitting his eyes. "Did you really have to pick these desks?"

"I didn't wanna have stupid kids pranking us through the window from the hallway again,"

Yujin leaned his head into his left hand and poked Seungeon’s cheek with his other hand. "You can always just sit somewhere else."

Seungeon scoffed. "You know that there's no one else we know in here."

"Even if there was, you wouldn't leave me anyways~" Yujin said as he smiled and retracted his hand.

The lively chatter of the students in the classroom was comforting. Yujin missed this atmosphere. That was, until the door opened and the classroom became completely quiet.

Yujin did not miss this atmosphere.

Both Yujin nor Seungeon had to look at the door to know who it was. It was clearly Kim Gyuvin, the most feared guy in the school. They heard footsteps from the back of the classroom and the chair from the desk behind them being pulled out and sat on.

Yujin sighed and had a disinterested look on his face. Seungeon sat up and stared at Yujin with a straight face. They spoke with their eyes.

'Please don't tell me it's who I think it is.' Seungeon looked at Yujin with a desperate look.

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