Strong and Forgotten Bonds (part 3)

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"Hey, whatcha talking about?" Seungeon asked while walking across the rooftop towards Gyuvin and Gunwook.

"Nothing much, just catching up," Gunwook said.

"How do you guys know each other?"

"... uh... its...complicated," Gyuvin said awkwardly.

"Our parents knew each other," Gunwook said plainly.

Gyuvin was shocked by Gunwook’s blunt answer.

"We used to be close but my mom and Gyuvin's dad had an affair and since then we haven't seen each other,"

"Oh," Seungeon said a little appalled. He didn't expect that.

"Sorry for asking,"

"It's okay, you were just curious," Gunwook said casually.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" Gyuvin asked confused.

"We used to go to the same middle school for a little while," Seungeon explained.

Gyuvin hummed in understanding. "So how's Yujin doing?"

"He's getting an IV," Seungeon responded. "He wasn't eating properly."

Seungeon noticed Gunwook acting a little strange.


Gunwook flinched and slowly turned his head. "Y- yeah?"

"Why are you acting so awkward all of a sudden?" Seungeon questioned.

"I... don't know what you're talking about..." Gunwook said acting aloof.

"Is it because of Yujin?" Gyuvin asked. "Do you know him too?"

Gunwook flinched when Yujin’s name was mentioned. "Um, yeah, I know him..."

"Cool, so you know us all," Gyuvin smiled.


*DING DONG* Their lunch was over.

"Saved by the bell~" Seungeon teased as he walked back into school.

Seungeon went to go check up on Yujin one more time before going to class. But when Ollie left the nurse's office, he shook his head indicating that Yujin wanted to be left alone. Seungeon understood and they headed back together.

The rest of the day went by without a hitch and as soon as they bell rang, Seungeon quickly grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the door.

When he got there Yujin was sitting up, talking to the nurse.

"-not healthy," the nurse finished.

"Yes, I understand," Yujin responded.

The nurse turned her head to Seungeon. "You're gonna take him home right?"

Seungeon laughed. "Yes I am."

"Alright then, you two be careful," the nurse said as she left to the backroom.

Seungeon looked at Yujin. "You feeling okay?"

Yujin nodded. "Yeah, its nothing serious."

Seungeon sighed.

"Let's get you home,"


Seungeon supported Yujin as they walked out of the school. Yujin looked up and in the distance he saw Ollie, Gyuvin and someone else.

Yujin looked closer and saw Gyuvin was happily chatting and laughing with..... Gunwook. Yujin felt his chest tighten.

Suddenly, Yujin felt a pain splitting headache. His legs lost strength and he fell to his knees. He held his head and yelled in pain. Yujin opened his eyes but his vision was blurry. He could hear shouts of concern and the running of footsteps and in an instant he was engulfed in a warm embrace.

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