Hanging out (part 2)

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Gyuvin's pov:
"Okay. Its okay. I get it. I'll leave,"  Gyuvin said with a pained voice.

Gyuvin turned and ran into the photobopth store. He bursted through the doors and just stood there. His eyes welled with tears and soon they began to fall.

Minji ran over to Gyuvin's side with worry plastered on her face.

"Gyuvin! Are you okay!?"

"He hates me. What have I done?"  Gyuvin said through his sniffles.

She pulled Gyuvin into the backroom and shut the door.

She sat him down on the lounge couch and went to go grab a first aid kit. Gyuvin quickly calmed down.

"What were you thinking?!" Minji scolded as she returned to Gyuvin’s side to treat his wounds.

During one of the times that Gyuvin punched Sangjin, Sangjin managed to cut Gyuvin's face.

"It's just a scratch," Gyuvin reassured.

"Doesn't matter. You were reckless," Minji said sternly. "I didn't text you to come over here just to have you get into a fight."

"What did you think I would've done?" Gyuvin said.

"You can't just text me that some guy is making Yujin uncomfortable, and then expect me to not come and shove his face into the ground!" Gyuvin explained.

"I thought you'd come and maybe pull Yujin away and then tell him off. Not punch him!" Minji treated Gyuvin's bruised knuckles first and then the cut on his face.

Gyuvin let out a sigh.

'Yujin's scared of me now. What should I do?'

"Earlier you said that Yujin hates you," Minji put away the kit and sat down next to Gyuvin. "Do you really believe that?"

"Of course. I asked him but he didn't want to respond. Probably because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Yujin's too nice sometimes," Gyuvin groaned as he hunched over his knees.

"I don't think so," Minji said questioning Gyuvin's statement.

"I think he was just too shocked but the whole situation so he couldn't answer properly. I mean, you did just punch a guy out of no where, which, not to mention, was right in front of him," Minji explained.


"Hyung!" A faint voice was heard.

Gyuvin and Minji locked eyes, their eyes were both wide.

"Yujin," Minji said as she got up. "Should I open the door?"

"Huh!? Uhhh, I don't know!" Gyuvin said in distress.

Yujin shook the door handle and smacked the door.

Minji ran over to the refrigerator and pulled out an ice pack. She tossed it over to Gyuvin. "Take it. Put it on your wounds. And by that I meant your eyes. They're slightly red and puffy."


Gyuvin caught the ice pack then immediately went to check his eyes in a mirror that was hanging on the wall.

They were red and puffy alright. Gyuvin quietly groaned and sat down down, ice pack on his eyes.

"Please let me in," Yujin pleaded from behind the door.

"Do you want to open the door or should I?" Minji whispered.

"You do it. You're already standing up,"

Minji gave Gyuvin a stank eye.

"Please- please don't leave me," Yujin said with a small shaky voice.

Minji was shocked for a second but she regained her composure and opened the door.

Gyujin/Kongddakz One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now