Misunderstandings (part 2)

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Gyuvin walked in the front and the other 2 behind him.

Taerae whispered. "So any idea why he got that drink for you?"

Taerae scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I mean he was practically gushing about what you like earlier."

"It's my favorite drink to get when I'm feeling down," Yujin quietly explained. "And I get it quite a lot when Gyuvin tries to cheer me up."

"So he thinks you're feeling down?"

Yujin shrugged. "I guess?"

They arrived at the arcade and entered. Gyuvin started to jump up and down excitedly.

"Don't we need coins or something?" Taerae asked.

"No hyung, you're so old. They do it through cards now," Gyuvin laughed.

Taerae started playfully chasing Gyuvin down and after a bit, Gyuvin surrendered.

Gyuvin charged a card with credits in a machine.

"We can all just use this card," Gyuvin explained.

When Gyuvin finished, he started running around all of the arcade machines. Taerae followed him into the sea of games as well.

Yujin sighed. He didn't feel like playing games at that moment. So he sat down at a tall table for 2 and decided to finish his drink first.

He watched Taerae and Gyuvin twist and turn through the maze of games. They eventually stopped in front of one and the started playing. They were both smiling and laughing.

From the looks of it, Taerae won. Yujin watched as Gyuvin pouted his lips and moved to another game. Taerae was laughing at the other's behavior.

They once again stopped in front of a machine and from the looks of it, it was a claw machine.

Gyuvin started to crack his knuckles and his neck too.

'He's getting competitive.' Yujin let out a small laugh.

Gyuvin squinted his eyes and focused. But it seems like he failed. Yujin could tell because Taerae pushed him aside and Gyuvin dramatically fell to the ground.

Taerae stepped over him and tried as well but he didn't win.

Taerae gestured to leave but Gyuvin shook his head. He held up 1 finger. Taerae sighed, nodded his head, said something and then left.

Gyuvin tried once more, he  stuck his tongue out in concentration. A moment of disappointment painted his face but then he gasped and then started to jump up and down.

'Oh? Did he win?'

Gyuvin was smiling very widely. His teeth showing and his eyes were smiling as well. He was ecstatic.

Gyuvin reached over and grabbed something behind a machine, something Yujin couldn't see. Then he stepped back and he was holding a huge rabbit stuffed animal. It didn't look that big but knowing how tall Gyuvin is, it was probably huge.

'How'd he get that from the claw machine?'

Then Taerae steps into Yujin's frame of vision.

'Oh he was smiling because Taerae hyung gave it to him.'

                      .    .    .         

'He doesn't smile like that whenever he's with me... at least...'

Yujin sighed and looked at his drink.

'Not recently... not since I messed up...'

Yujin suddenly felt his vision getting blurry. His eyes started filling with tears.

Gyujin/Kongddakz One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now