Misunderstandings (part 3)

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Yujin reached a convenience store. He stood outside by the door for a bit under the small shade. He squeezed water out of his clothes before going in.

"Hello, welcome," the cashier says with a smile.

Yujin bows, "Hi. Do you have any umbrellas left?"

The cashier nods, "Yes we do! Just one?"

Yujin thinks for a bit. "Um, no, 2 please."

"You're soaked. Do you want a towel to dry your hair?"

"Uhh, yeah sure, 2 of them please,"

"Okayy," she rang up the items and Yujin paid for them. "Soooo, where's your lover?"

"Huh?!" Yujin felt his face heat up. "Uh- um- I-"

"I'm just joking around," she laughed. "But I guess it's not that far from the truth judging by your reaction."

Yujin looked around at everything but the cashier, avoiding eye contact. He took his items and awkwardly shuffled over towards the wall table on the side of the store.

'Why would she say thattt?' Yujin silently whined.

Yujin released his embarrassment by drying his hair aggressively.

He looked in a nearby mirror on the wall.

'My face is only little pink.' Yujin thinks to himself as he touches his face with the back of his hand.

"Do you have child umbrellas?" A familiar voice asked the cashier.

Yujin turned his head around. Gyuvin was leaning on the counter towards the cashier asking her questions. Yujin was already crouching and hiding behind some shelves before he even knew it.

The cashier nods. "Yup,"

"Great. I'll get 2 kid ones. But don't ring it up yet," Gyuvin said then he turned into the aisles and started looking for something.

'What the- Why am I hiding?'

Yujin stood up straight, his head peeking out above the small shelves.


Gyuvin eyes stared into Yujin's. He was standing directly in front of Yujin in the other aisle.

"Hyung, I bought you an umbrella already," Yujin said, acting nonchalant. He turned around and went back to where his items were.

Gyuvin walked around the shelves and followed Yujin.

"Why didn't you go to the closer store," Gyuvin asked curiously.

"I don't know." Yujin shrugged. "I just ran to a store."

Yujin was acting like he wasn't interested and that he didn't care that Gyuvin was in the store... but he was actually really embarrassed.

He avoided fully showing his face to the older and kept a small distance between them at all times. Yujin silently took deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He peeked at the cashier, she was looking straight at Yujin with a smirk on her face. 

'So he's the one?' she mouthed to Yujin.

Yujin snuck a glance at Gyuvin who was looking at the items Yujin bought. His hair was dripping water but he didn’t seem to mind. His hands picked up every single thing and examined them. He picked up the unused rolled towel and a smile came upon his face.

“Hey, Yujin!” Gyuvin turned to Yujin. “Did you buy this for me?”

Yujin stumbled on his words before quickly putting his head down and shutting up. He nodded his head in a shy manner then looked away, back towards the cashier. She gave Yujin an eager look.

Gyujin/Kongddakz One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now