Strong and Forgotten Bonds (part 4)

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After the whole fiasco with Gunwook, the 3 stopped bothering Yujin and Seungeon. Yujin thought they had finally given up. The year was ending and summer would free him from the chains of school.

So why is it that when Yujin opened his door late at night, Ollie and Gunwook were standing there with panicked expressions.

"What the-?" Yujin said with an annoyed expression.


"Bothering me at school isn't enough?" Yujin spat with an eye roll.

But to his surprise, the two didn't turn aggressive.

"Gyuvin's in trouble."

Yujin's eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"Please, he needs help." The two of them plead.

"Are you serious? Are you really trying to-?"

"This isn't a joke. I swear. Gyuvin's mom was getting violent and she dragged him away claiming to sell him off!" Ollie said hurriedly.

Yujin was about to retort but he paused. He searched the two for ill intent but only saw fear and desperation in their eyes.

Yujin clenched his teeth and headed into his house to grab a coat. "Ugh. Let's get Seungeon." He said as he walked past the two and outside down the block.

Ollie and Gunwook looked at each other confused but followed nonetheless.

Yujin pounded on the door and waited a shorter amount of time than they expected. To their surprise, Seungeon’s mom opened the door.

"Hm? Oh? Yujinnie? And... friends?" She said with smile. Seems like she hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"Hi, Mrs. Yoo. We need help." Yujin said while pulling out a white lily themed business card from his coat pocket. It was their family flower shop business card.

Gunwook and Ollie were lost in their conversation as the two talked. I mean, why was Yujin telling Seungeon’s mom? Shouldn't he be avoiding her?

"I see." Mrs. Yoo nodded when Yujin explained the situation. "I'll get Seungeon. Head into the car." She said while tossing Yujin some car keys.

The 3 went inside the house and to the garage where a van was parked.

"I didn't know they had a van..." Ollie trailed off while they entered the van.

"Me either." Gunwook followed after.

Yujin explained Seungeon’s family business a bit more. Turns out, their family flower shop is actually a hoax. They actually mostly do business in well... underground business... to say the very least. It explains why Seungeon’s dad is always so busy and why Seungeon’s mom always had an unsettling air around her when she was angry despite her soft smiles.

Seungeon only helps out in the actual flower shop. They need to maintain their hoax shop after all.

Ollie and Gunwook held faces of disbelief. They clearly weren't expecting this new information. But before they could find words to comment, Seungeon and his mom came into the van.

Seungeon was clearly tired but assuming he knew what was going on, he seemed determined. Mrs. Yoo sat in the driver's seat and turned around to face everyone.

"Yes, this may seem shocking. But we need to come together to help your friend."

Ollie and Gunwook nodded and Yujin had to force himself not to roll his eyes. He may be helping but he still wasn't happy about having to work with the people he was just avoiding for quite some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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