Chapter 67

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Unfortunately, the next day, regrets quickly set in

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Unfortunately, the next day, regrets quickly set in. I wonder why I didn't fight harder. Yet it was so good to fall asleep against Angel. He always has that reassuring smell, and when he holds me so securely...I have to face the facts: I needed sleep. I needed sleep badly! But when I finally arrived at the college and saw the notice board, I was on the verge of a panic attack.

I learn that I'm not passing with Angel! Not that I expected special treatment or that he'd give me a good grade. I don't want our relationship to give me a free pass. But I'd still have preferred to pass with him, to reassure myself. Because right now, I've been staring at this board for a good quarter of an hour, wondering if I'm hallucinating. Maybe it's the fatigue that's making me see this name opposite mine: Deimos Ross.

Where did that one come from? I feel like banging my head against the piece of wood and I do it. At least twice. Then my legs take me to Angel's room. He's given me permission to interrupt him whenever I feel like it. As is the case now. But when I see, through the glass door, this room full of students, I turn around. Damn, he's got class! He doesn't have time to deal with your childish tantrums.


I turn and meet his gaze. He looks furious. I knew! I knew! I shouldn't have interrupted him. Yet he closes the door and walks towards me. I'd love to be able to admire his beautiful badboy hair, but my anxiety attack is gaining ground. I can see him looking every which way. Then he takes my hand and pulls me into the ladies' room. He closes behind us and faces me again.

"What's the matter?"

I hug him, my eyes moist.


" Something's wrong!"

"I've put the notation back to normal though. It's just 5% of your grade. You don't have to worry about it."

"It's not the notation..."

"What is it then? Tell" me!"

"This oral! I hate oral. It may sound like an overreaction, but I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than speak in front of a stranger."


"And who's this 'Deimos Ross' anyway?"

He sneers, placing a kiss on my forehead. Then he grabs my chin and forces me to look into the whites of his eyes.

"It's going to be okay..."

"I'm not ready!"

"It's going to be okay."

"How do you know?"

He thinks for a moment. It makes him smile.

"Just imagine that I'm sitting at the back of the room. Smiling at you all the way."

"Whatever I say?"

"Whatever you say. No matter what you do."

The worst part is, it might work. But I don't let go. My hands are still trembling. Only with him would I feel confident enough to do this oral. Usually, I just have to pretend. Pretend to be confident and look at the other person. But that's not going to work at all. To do that, I'd have to lie to myself. But I know I'm screwed!

(ENG)Yes daddy T1 & 2: Teacher X student/ BDSM•✔️Where stories live. Discover now