A Sister's Comfort |Requested!|

70 1 14

Genre: 🌸(Fluff) 🌧️ (Angst)

Type of Relationship: 💖 (Platonic)

//This oneshot is requested by one of my good friends, _Douma_Demon_  !!! //



Kumosu Dokuhime, a carefree and bright young girl with a smile that hides the burning anger. She uses Spider Breathing, which derives from Insect Breathing.

Ochi Ocho, a woman with a rough history and has a burning hatred towards the Kochos.
She uses Butterfly Breathing, which also derived from Insect Breathing.


Ren Hanabusa, a boy who is determined to reach his goal of following his father's footsteps. He uses Flower Breathing, which is derived from Water Breathing.
// sweet_soft_pastels--  //

Summary: Kumosu comforts Ochi after an incident with Ren, a boy who she had feelings for, but turns out he liked someone else.

//Remember, this is my very first chapter! Please bear with me!  ^^//


It was a typical sunny day out in the Demon Slayer Corps, where no clouds were covering the sky and birds chirped as they flew highly. However, there has been recent tension that has been lingering in the atmosphere, which lead some people wondering what would have happened during this time of event.

Near the wisteria blossom trees, just a few miles away from the Butterfly Mansion, there stood a young woman who is aggressively swinging her sword to let out the immense anger that has been aching inside her entire body.

Not too long ago, she and a boy named Ren were hanging out at the sakura forest, a place where they'd first met nearly ten months ago, and normally hung out. They'd even occasionally be paired up in missions and slaying demons. All those days brought the girl immense joy.

However....this wasn't like their previous days...

The one name that she NEVER wanted to hear...


Ochi and Ren were both sitting underneath a rather large cherry blossom tree, laughing and conversing as the beautiful pink flower petals fell from the branches and even created such stunning scenery. Even the sun that was shining very bright was like an additional decoration that brought light.

Despite having BPD, Ochi refused to tell him. She didn't want to risk ruining the specially made bond that the two had created. All those moments where she told him almost everything about what was on her mind. The comfort they give to each other. She didn't want those memories go to waste. Besides, it has been a few years since she had left the Butterfly Mansion and had dragging almost several people down because of it...

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