Lullaby of a Violin |Requested!|

68 2 5

Genre: 🌸

Type of Relationship: 💖

//This is a request for my friendo!!!//


Hanayo Tachibana, a girl with a huge temper, but also has hyper empathy, a kind heart, and a polite demeanor. She uses Light Breathing, which has its roots from Thunder Breathing.


Kegareta Namida, a shy and determined young girl who wears a kitsune mask and strives to seek out hope for herself and others. She uses Cloud Breathing, which is derived from the combination of both Water Breathing and Mist Breathing.

Akai Bara, the wise and intelligent Rose Hashira with the passion of protecting her three children. She uses Rose Breathing, which derives from Cherry Blossom Breathing, which also has its roots from Flower Breathing!

Summary: Kegareta spends her alone time playing her blue violin, but is unaware that she's in the same area as Hanayo. This does contain a wholesome HanaKega moment in the end!

//PS: Don't play the video above just yet! I'll let you know when once you get to the part where Kegareta starts playing her violin!//


It was a beautiful afternoon day. The gentle breeze blew freely through the large sakura forest, where multiple pink flower petals would fall off the tree branches and glide down to the grassy ground. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky that the trees casted some shade, creating such perfect spring-like scenery.

The sounds of soft footsteps can be heard as a young girl with black hair walked through the forest, carrying a blue violin in her hand as she searched for a good spot to play the well-crafted instrument that she'd learnt to create before joining the Demon Slayer Corps.

Her multicolored eyes stared up at the sakura trees, her free hand reaching out to trace her fingers on the blooming flower petals with a delicate gentle touch. 'Such beautiful flowers...I wish this lasts forever..' The girl named Kegareta smiled softly from the thought of wanting the pink flowers growing on the trees to last forever before she had to continue on searching for a peaceful and silent spot to play her violin.

Not too long ago, she had came back from a rather long and complicated mission. She managed to kill the demon before it escaped the break of dawn, but several humans in the small town got severely wounded. If it wasn't for her arriving just in time before the demon could cause a brutal massacre, she would be having a complete panic attack from the sight of blood everywhere. No matter, she was just glad the mission was over and done with.

Soon finding a large river pond near a few fully bloomed sakura trees, Kegareta let out a small quiet sigh to herself before positioning the blue violin, making sure that it wasn't tilting before bringing its bow to the strings. 'Now that I'm alone...I don't see any bad reasons to play a melody for a while..' She thought to herself before beginning to play a gentle yet beautiful melody on the violin.

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