Shared Feelings ||Requested!||

60 2 6

Genre: 🌸 (Fluff)

Type of Relationship: ❤️ (Romantic)

//I've asked my friendo for permission, and this is a request for sweet_soft_pastels-- !//


Sakura Kai Nohana, a soft spoken and kind girl with a burning passion who swore to avenge her family from Upper Rank 2. She uses Cherry Blossom Breathing, which is derived from Flower Breathing that is passed down to the girl from her father.

Sanayuki Tenshi, a merciful girl with a mixture of sympathy and hatred towards demons. She uses Angel Breathing, which is derived from the combination of Wind Breathing and Insect Breathing.

Akai Bara, the Rose Hashira and aunt of Sakura Kai Nohana who takes any demon slayers under her wing and helps train them to be stronger. She uses Rose Beeathing, which comes from Cherry Blossom Breathing, which also derives from Flower Breathing.

Shizuku Yuzuki, a serene yet mysterious girl who often gets lost in her daydreams and has a much sinister demeanor towards demons. She used Dream Breathing, which is derived from Mist Breathing.

Hanayo Tachibana, a sunset haired girl with a fire in her eyes, and passion in her heart, yet she lets her emotions guide her. She is a loyal friend to Sakura. She uses Light Breathing, which derives from Thunder Breathing.

Summary: Sakura and Shizuku finally gets their chance to confess their love for each other! This contains SakuShizu, which is a ship created by me and my amazing friendo!


Part One: Training & New Discovery
It was a bright and beautiful spring day with a slight breeze in the air, a small flock of birds chirped as they flew freely and highly across in the sky. It has been obvious that in the Demon Slayer Corps, there were some many of people training themselves to protect other humans from blood-thirsty monsters every night. During this day, it was...rather different.

Outside of the Rose Estate, Sakura was busy training with her only aunt, the Rose Hashira: Akai Bara, standing by the side to watch her progress as the pink-and-brown haired girl swung the wooden sword at the training dummy that is placed for those who needed to improve their upper body's strength, posture, and stamina. Training alongside Sakura, Hanayo had a look of fierce determination as the two friends took their turns striking at the training dummy.

Sitting on the porch, Shizuku was polishing her sword after another night of fighting against demons with her companions. A pensive look can be seen in her very dark purple eyes as her mind was lost into her dreams. Recently, she has been gaining some unfamiliar emotions that was very uncharacteristic, but at the same time, it was like something endless that she couldn't control, yet she hid it very carefully and easily well from everyone else around.

Pausing from continuing to polish her sword, Shizuku then found herself shifting her attention towards Sakura as she watched her close companion/friend train with Hanayo. There was no denying that the menacing daydreamer herself somehow had developed strange feelings towards the only person who made her feel something, like it has been restored to her after all those years of not being able to feel anything, anymore. Truth to be told, Shizuku doesn't entirely understand it, but there were some things about Sakura had made her these feelings that she wasn't familiar with.

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