Newfound Magical Hearts ||Requested!||

49 2 11

Genre: 🌸

Type of Relationship: 💖❤️
(Mix of Platonic & Romantic)

This is a request given to my friendo!
//sweet_soft_pastels-- //


Mikazuki Murayume, a soft-spoken yet serene girl who suffered from a terrible past, though she slowly learns to express herself as she goes through the journey of being a demon slayer. She uses Lullaby Breathing, which derives from Sound Breathing.

Sorami Murayume, Mikazuki's older sister who is one of the Hashiras amongst the Demon Slayer Corps and is very kind and sweet. She uses/originally created Lullaby Breathing, which derives from Sound Breathing.

Nagisa Hayashi, a boy with a very friendly personality and a goal to eliminate all demons. He uses/originally created Magic Breathing, which derives from Mist Breathing.

Shouko Hayase, a young girl who follows Nagisa around and tries to watch over him, like he does with her. She uses Magic Breathing, which derives from Mist Breathing.

Summary: Mikazuki meets the Magic Siblings through Sorami introducing them as training buddies, but as she gets to train with the boy, she starts to gain unfamiliar feelings the more she sees herself around him often~

//This contains NagiMika, which is yet another ship my friendo and I created!//


Part One: New Place for Training
It was a casual spring day in the Demon Slayer headquarters, where the gentle breeze would blow through the leaves of the oak trees, and a small flock of birds would soar in the clear blue sky while they chirp loudly in sync.

Just a few miles away, there was a large pink mansion could be seen from headquarters. The mansion seemed like any three story houses, but it was mostly empty since people hardly visited the mansion, except for those who seeks guidance in training. It also had a perfectly arranged garden that had peonies, roses, and orchids blooming all over from behind the building, which also attracted many butterflies that gave such beautiful scenery. They named it the Lullaby Estate.

However, there were three people walking towards the entrance to the Lullaby Estate. One of them seemed to be the owner of the mansion, who was also a former member of the Hashira position among the Demon Slayer Corps.

It was a tall young woman who had long dark brown hair that's fastened with a pink ribbon bow, sapphire blue eyes, and pink tainted lips. She had a standard dark plum purple uniform with a standard hakama pants, a pair of bright lavender leg wraps and black flat shoes. Over her uniform, she wore a long haori jacket with the same color of bright lavender on the leg wraps, and it has a pattern of bright pink butterflies.

Following behind the woman were two more people, who are siblings. One of them was a boy, while the other was a girl who seemed more younger than him.

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