Can A Spark of Hope Shine Bright or Fade Away? |Requested!|

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Genre: 🌧️

Type of Relationship: /None/

Featuring two of my original characters, who are none other than Kumosu Dokuhime and Amani Yin Kamado! This also features the Kochos!

//PS: I'm also adding Ochi Ocho, who belongs to my friend, _Douma_Demon_  !!!//


Summary: This takes place where the Kochos comforts Kumosu when she wakes up. Meanwhile, Amani encounters Occu (Ochi) in the dark forest!

//I honestly don't know how I'm going to write the part about the fighting scene or something like that for the final battle, but I'll have my friend figure something out so either of us can get started on it.........eventually-!!!  XD//


Feeling the energy coming back to her body, Kumosu slowly woke up from her sleep as she began regaining back consciousness. Her plum purple eyes looked red and puffy from all the crying she had let out from grieving over Ochi and the secret she'd kept from the Kochos.

Scanning her surroundings, the young girl found herself in a room and realized that she was back inside the Butterfly Mansion. How long was she even asleep? Slowly sitting up on the bed she was laying on, Kumosu rubbed her eyes and felt both of her cheeks wet, instantly noticing that they were stained with tears.


Hearing her name being called, Kumosu looked over and saw both Shinobu and Kanao sitting down in two chairs next to both sides of her bed. Catching the scent of conflict and the hint of betrayal that was lingering in their auras, Kumosu could feel her heart ache from the overwhelming guilt and fear that she had kept her mouth shut for almost three days.

"How are you feeling?" Kanao asked in a soft voice, reaching out to take her younger sister's hand in a gentle grasp, the warmth of comfort somehow soothing the guilty feeling. Kumosu didn't understand this one thing......

Should both of her sisters be angry at her for keeping this whole mess a secret?

Kumosu let out a small sigh as she looked down at her lap, her bangs casting a shadow over her eyes as she felt like this whole thing was her fault for pushing Ochi over the edge and not leaving to find her sooner. "Better, I guess..." She responded quietly, but this time, it wasn't in her usual bright and enthusiastic tone. Her voice was a little hoarse from all the screaming and crying when she continued grieving over her lost sister who was now a demon because of.........him.

Shinobu frowned from hearing Kumosu's sudden change in her voice. She hated seeing her younger sister in such state, especially after the news of......Ochi becoming one of the demons.

Reaching out and gently patted the girl's black colored hair, the Insect Hashira took a deep breath to keep the unwavering rage that was threatening to be released. She had to keep herself in control so she wouldn't scare Kumosu...

"What Calls Out Is Silence..." 🌸Oneshot Book🌸Where stories live. Discover now