When Sisters Separate, Soon Comes A Tragedy |Requested!|

52 1 4

Genre: 🌧️

Type of Relationship: /None/

This is the continuation of my friend's oneshot, which belongs to _Douma_Demon_ !!! I can't thank them enough for showing me the most amazing work! If you're wondering about their oneshot, go check out their page!

This features my original OC, aka the carefree and bright spider girl, Kumosu Dokuhime! There are some parts featuring Shinobu Kocho and Tanjiro Kamado!

Summary: This takes place after Kumosu comforts Ochi! After becoming friends with Tanjiro, a few weeks later, she finds out her own sister has been turned into a demon by Upper Moon 2, Douma.

I do apologize if the oneshot looks a little short! I do tend to write very fast that my brain doesn't function properly these days, lolz.

Enjoy the next chapter, lovelies! 🥰


"Don't get your limbs torn off."

As she watched Ren take off to find Ochi, Kumosu continued on her way back to the Butterfly Mansion as she carefully opened the parcel of pink candy that her big sister has given her. Taking one out, the girl carefully inspected the piece of candy in her hand, from the beautiful color of light pink to the sakura flower petal that was inside of the treat.

It looked rather sweet and tasty in her eyes, but her keen nose seemed to catch a strange scent. Was this perhaps some kind of new flavor? Ochi did make them, after all, so she didn't blame her.

"Hey! Excuse me!"

Upon hearing a voice coming from a few feet ahead, Kumosu looked up from the candy and saw what looked like a boy. He had burgundy red hair, maroon eyes, and also had a scar on his forehead. He was wearing a standard male demon slayer uniform, a black and green checkered haori, and a pair of Hanafuda Earrings.

Could this be the Kamado boy Ochi was telling her about?

"Oh hi! Can I help you?" Kumosu asked kindly, her bright smile widening when he got closer. Once he stopped, the boy then returned the bright smile as he bowed politely in greeting.

"I do apologize for intruding your walk, but I do want to introduce myself!" He spoke kindly, now standing up straight once he was done with bowing. "My name is Tanjiro Kamado!" He introduced. "I did think that we'd already met......right?" He then asked with a sheepish smile.

"I don't think we have, but my sister did told me about you! Hehe~" Kumosu responded, letting out a small amused giggle at the end of her sentence. Tanjiro was a little surprised from her words, but instead he laughed it off as some thoughts wondered in his head about Ochi, which made him sweat from the sheer nervousness as he recalled the time where he first met her, which didn't end well...

"Anyways, what's your name?" Tanjiro asked, tilting his head after mentally getting rid of the image of Ochi's menacing glare from his mind. "Also...is that candy? I haven't seen any of those before from my hometown.." He said, mesmerized by the light pink color and the flower petal inside of the candy.

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