chapter 1

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Glenda's POV:

For some it is hard to remember the distant past but for me it seems like yesterday, I remember my life before my mother's passing so clearly but then again it is very hard to forget your darkest chapters. As a little kid my mother wouldn't keep many secrets from me, I remember that at an early age my mom explained how I was conceived in a one-night stand with a stranger. Mother always said that I resembled him more than her. My mother was Gale Albury and see was at one point a beautiful woman. Gale had long red hair, pale freckled skin, and bright blue eyes. Oh, how quickly that changed as her sanity slipped away and her eyes turned dull her hair a became a thin, greasy matted mess, and her skin a sickly gray.

I don't look much like my mother maybe she is right, and I look like my father, but I wouldn't know. I know the things I have of my mother like the same pale skin and dainty frame, however unlike her I don't have freckles. My hair isn't a stunning red instead it is pitch black and my eyes aren't blue but large green with flecks of amber. My mother left me with more than just some of her look: she left me with memories, awful memories. Gale was a Schizophrenic; it wasn't to awful bad until I turned five and was coming home from preschool, I truly wish I knew what caused the change in her.

She had appeared at my preschool not two hours after she had dropped me off, she looked extremely disheveled and manic. You could hear her whispered mumbles but from afar you couldn't understand what she was says not that it really mattered, even right next to her and hearing it all I didn't understand. She was mumbling that I couldn't leave her that they can have me, she would then break down in sobs before turning angry. It was so strange how quickly her emotions changed; it reminded me of the cartoon characters I saw on TV and made me very nervous. That evening was the first night I felt my life was in danger and the first of many where I saved our lives. I had hoped that I would always be able to save us, unfortunately that hope was crushed the day after my sixth birthday. 

My mom decided that we would go to the beach, which at the time I thought odd. It was the middle of November, and if I had been smarter, I would have seen what was about to happen. When we had gotten to the beach, we played until sunset when my mother picked me up and began walking into the freezing ocean water. I had started to scream and trashed in her arms, sobbing and begging her to stop, I was afraid for my life and afraid of my mother. That day we drowned. 

I was saved by a couple walking on the beach who had run to me after hearing my screams. They had pulled me out of the ocean and revived me. My mother however washed ashore hours later, she was gone this time I couldn't save her. I was later sent to an orphanage called Loving Hearts and was able to keep in contact with the couple. The couple's names were Dino and Evelyn Rizzo, they were very nice and made sure to keep in contact. Every year they would send gifts for Christmas and my birthday; they also visited every three to four months except when I went to foster families.

I spent about a year at Loving Hearts before being sent to my first foster home. Every time someone took me in, they found something wrong with me, or the homes were bad and I was pulled out. I had to be taken from some abusive foster homes, more often than not others around me report the abuse. After so many incidents with bad homes it was finally decided that I would stay at the orphanage till I turned 18. My Social work would be the one to sign any forms I needed until I turned of age. This decision was made for my safety, they realized after five abusive homes I was never going to seek help from others. Only my father or a biological family member could now take me in, they had done a DNA test, but nothing came of it.

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