28 | My Teeth Locked Together

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"Excuse me for a minute, Jess," I mumbled, pulling my arm away

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"Excuse me for a minute, Jess," I mumbled, pulling my arm away. I didn't pause for her reaction, even to
see if I'd hurt her feelings with my abruptness.

I ducked my way through the bodies, getting shoved around a bit. A few people were dancing now. I hurried to the kitchen door.

Taehyung was gone, but Jimin was still there in the dark, his face blank — the kind of expressionless look you see on the face of someone who has just witnessed a horrible accident. One of his hands gripped the door frame, like he needed the support.

"What, Jimin, what? What did you see?" My hands were clutched in front of me — begging.

He didn't look at me, he was staring away. I followed his gaze and watched as he caught Taehyung's eye across the room. His face was empty as a stone. He turned and disappeared into the shadows under the stairs.

The doorbell rang just then, hours after the last time, and Jimin looked up with a puzzled expression that quickly turned into one of disgust.

"Who invited the werewolf?" he griped at me.

I scowled. "Guilty."

I'd thought I'd rescinded that invitation — not that I'd ever dreamed Minghyu would come here, regardless.

"Well, you go take care of it, then. I have to talk to Joon."

"No, Jimin, wait!" I tried to reach for his arm, but he was gone and my hand clutched the empty air.

"Damn it!" I grumbled. I knew this was it. Jimin had seen what he'd been waiting for, and I honestly didn't feel I could stand the suspense long enough to answer the door. The doorbell peeled again, too long, someone holding down the button. I turned my back toward the door resolutely, and scanned the darkened room for Jimin.

 I turned my back toward the door resolutely, and scanned the darkened room for Jimin

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I couldn't see anything. I started pushing for the stairs.

"Hey, Kook!"

Minghyu's deep voice caught a lull in the music, and I looked up in spite of myself at the sound of my name.

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