Chapter 209: Domineering and Mighty!

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Translator: Lonelytree

When Gu Qingjiao heard these people's words, she was stunned, and her vision turned black.

When she came to her senses, her anger rose from the bottom of her heart. She gritted her teeth and cursed at Xiao Lingye, "You country bumpkin, you're really cunning!"

However, her face suddenly turned into a cold smile as she said disdainfully, "So what if you have testimonies that Xiao Xinxin is my employee? Without something tangible on paper, what can you do to me? If you want to sue me, go ahead! Do you think I'm afraid of you? Let me tell you, I have friends in the Commerce Bureau and Labor Bureau. We'll see how you can touch me!"

She was complacent. She couldn't wait for everyone to know that she was powerful and nothing could harm her.

"This woman is ridiculous."

"So what if she has connections in these two bureaus? Does she think she can do anything she wants?"

"That's right. She's acting like she owns not only this supermarket but also the two bureaus!"

Gu Qingjiao's face couldn't be any darker as she listened to the discussions of the crowd.

She took two steps forward and said fiercely to these passers-by, "What are you looking at? This has nothing to do with you. Get lost!"

An old master pointed at Gu Qingjiao and shouted angrily, "We can't stand idle, seeing you oppress and humiliate your employees like this. You don't treat your employees as human beings. Today, I'm going to poke my nose into your business. Why don't you ask your people from the underworld to teach me a lesson then?"

Gu Qingjiao was furious and scolded the old master, "Old man, don't push your luck. Do you really think I won't dare to do anything to you? If you anger me, I'll get my people to send you into a coffin!"

"I've lived for so long, but I've never seen someone as black-hearted, arrogant, and unreasonable as you. You dare to threaten people in public." The old master stood proud. "Fine, I'll wait here for you to call your people. Let's see what they can do to me." Master Zeng was furious. His face was green from being threatened.

Xiao Lingyu immediately stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, don't be angry. Don't be mad with an unreasonable person."

Grandpa Zeng looked at Xiao Lingyu and said, "But I can't stand her being so arrogant and despotic. How outrageous!"

Xiao Lingyu said, "It's not worth it."

Grandpa Zeng nodded and said, "Yes, you're right. The woman is not worth my anger." He turned to Xiao Lingyu and her big belly. He gasped and kindly advised, "Miss, you shouldn't be here. You have to be careful!"

Xiao Lingyu nodded and said, "Yes, I will be careful. Thank you for your concern, kind elder!"

Then, Xiao Lingyu shot a sharp look at Gu Qingjiao and said, "Madam, who told that we couldn't sue you because there is no labor contract? Do you really know the labor law?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Gu Qingjiao saw Xiao Lingyu and asked angrily.

To prevent accidents, Xiao Chengbang followed beside Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu did not answer directly. "According to the labor law of our country, it is clearly stipulated that if the employer doesn't sign a written labor contract with the worker, the onus of blame lies with the employer. The employer is required to pay a certain amount of compensation to the worker.

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