Chapter 360: Graduation Banquet 5

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Translator: Lonelytree

Qian Guoxin was curious why a farmer's family wanted to contract six mountains. As far as he knew, the mountains had over 10000 Mus, and the annual rent was over a million. It was abnormal for a farming family to be that rich.

Even more confusing was that the initial request was blocked by a large company in the county because the company had taken an interest in Taoyuan Village too. However, the company suddenly went bankrupt, and the project fizzled out. Right after that, the family came back with the request to contract the mountains.

At the time, his superior was suddenly arrested, and then, he received the news that he was to be promoted. Qian Guoxin immediately approved the request. He had a faint intuition that the political earthquake that happened a while ago was related to the mountain contract at Taoyuan Village. Of course, he was wise enough not to send any of his people to investigate.


Hearing Qian Guoxin's question, Xiao Zhengyang nodded very honestly and said, "That's right. Some time ago, my daughter wanted to contract a few mountains in the village. She wants to use them to develop and grow vegetables and fruits."

"Good, that's not bad!" Qian Guoxin nodded and said, "When it's developed, it will become a big industry in our county. I will definitely support this. Please do your best!"

Xiao Zhengyang expressed that he was flattered and said excitedly, "Thank you for your support, leader."

Xiao Lingyu, "..." I have no idea Qian Yifan's father is such a clever conversationalist.

Gong Tianhao secretly nodded. 'This man is very clever. If he can make something of the county and not make any principled mistake, I can pull some strings to brighten his future.

Qian Guoxin had no idea about the influence he had made with his actions. His main purpose in coming to Taoyuan Village was to investigate the big shot residing in this small village. Therefore, he spoke very carefully. His people told him that the Xiao Family had a very good relationship with the

mysterious elder.

After chatting with Xiao Zhengyang and his son for a while, Qian Guoxin and the others were about to leave.

After all, they had come here without notice. Naturally, the Xiao family did not prepare their meals.

Besides, they were busy with official business. How could they have time to stay for dinner?

Qian Yifan and Zheng Haiyang had made a bet. When Qian Yifan saw his father planning to leave, he was happy. He was about to win that bet.

However, at that moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Wow, what is Mother Xiao cooking? Why does it smell so good?"

"ah, it really smells so good!"

'Waves of fragrance wafted out from the kitchen. The smell made people drool.

Qian Guoxin and the others were pulled by the fragrance. It was very alluring.

The two deputy leaders could not help but exclaim, "It smells so good. I think I'm drooling."

Two of the teachers also chimed in, "That's right. The smell is delectable."

The few subordinates could not bear to leave.

They looked at their leaders with expectant eyes.

They also wanted to stay for dinner.

Xiao Zhengyang felt honored when he saw this scene.

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