Chapter 323: Compensation

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Translator: Lonelytree

Xiao Lingyu directly asked them to pay the debt.

"No, that's impossible!" Xiao Chengcai's mother jumped out and said angrily, "Why should I give my family's money to you? Besides, didn't the court say my family could pay in installments? Then we'll pay in installments."

Xiao Lingyu sneered, "Grandma Chen, the court said you could pay in installments when your family doesn't have the money. But now that you do, you can pay me directly."

Grandma Chen was stunned, and a sense of panic rose in her heart. She would rather die than have Xiao Lingyu take her family's money.

Grandma Chen immediately sat on the ground and cried with both her hands on her thighs, "Wicked girl, are you trying to kill us? In that case, I might as well die. That way, I won't live to see my family being scammed!

"God, please open your eyes. Someone is evil and wants to destroy my poor famil

Everyone was speechless.

In the past, there were still people who felt sympathy and pity for Xiao Chengcai's family. After all, Zhang Xiaolan was imprisoned, and they had to compensate a large sum of money.

However, after Xiao Chengcai divorced Zhang Xiaolan, the villagers were disgusted. Now, they leaned that Xiao Chengcai had earned a large sum of money after selling out the Little Cattle King. The disgust grew.

"Tsay, Chen Wuhua, stop wailing and crying. No one will sympathize with you and pity you," said Zhang Chunxiang's grandmother. "Your family has done those awful things, so this is just karma."

Xiao Chengcai's mother immediately stopped and scolded Zhang Chunxiang's grandmother angrily, "What awful things have we done? We merely told someone about an animal? How is that wrong?"

The rotten apple didn't fall far from the rotten tree.

Xiao Lingyu glanced at Xiao Chengcai's mother and said, "Grandma Chen, you have to pay because you've done something wrong. You can't wiggle your way out of it. I will go to the court and update them about your family's monetary situation!"

'When Xiao Chengcai's mother and Xiao Chengcai heard this, they were slightly stunned.

Just as they were about to make a scene, Xiao Lingyu said directly, "That's right, we can't do anything to you. However, do you know why the demolition team came today? It was all because of you!"

The last sentence was cold and harsh.

This sentence shocked everyone present.

Then, someone reacted and asked, "Lingyu, what exactly is going on?"

"Right, how is this related to that?"

Everyone surrounded Xiao Lingyu and asked.

The village chief waved his hand to stop everyone from asking further. He said, "Everyone, quiet down! We will explain this clearly. Return to your seats!"

Everyone obliged. After everyone quieted down, Xiao Lingyu said, "Originally, the developer had his eyes on the soil in Taoyuan Village. He wanted to occupy this land. However, when his people came to Taoyuan Village to inquire, they acquired the village's agricultural secret from Uncle Chengcai.

"Therefore, the developer changed their target from the village to the Little Cattle King."

Some villagers didn't understand and asked, "If their target is the Little Cattle King, why would they come up with a tourism development plan?"

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