Chapter 334: The Contract

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Translator: Lonelytree

After the Global Tourism Development Company in City Z went bankrupt, Xiao Taiyang once again applied for the contract.

This time, the application was smoothly approved.


'The huge earthquake in City Z had sent tremors to Xing Yin County and Xing An Town. People were keenly aware that the earthquake happened due to the development of Taoyuan Village.

Many new officials got promoted. They were capable people and were considerate of the public. Of course, they were smart too. They sensed that the earthquake was caused by someone behind the scene.

What did this mean? Many people knew the answer. Taoyuan Village might appear small and unremarkable, but it was protected by a big boss.

The village chief handed the mountain contracts to the officials. This time, it didn't involve any outside company. This was an internal matter of Taoyuan Village, so the official approved it quickly.

The village chief sent the relevant materials and notice of approval to Xiao Zhengyang's house.

The village chief sat in the courtyard. After gulping down a few cups of tea, he said happily, "I didn't expect it to pass so smoothly this time."

Xiao Lingyu raised her eyebrows. Then, she looked at Gong Tianhao, who was peeling apples for her, and said to the village chief with a smile, "That's good."

At this point, she paused for a moment and looked at the village chief with a serious and serious expression, "Village chief, since the contract has been passed, I wish to discuss the rental details. I plan to pay the rent every three years, just like how it is for Taiping Field. Every three years, the rent will

increase by 20 percent. The lease term will be 30 years. What do you think?"

The village chief nodded and said, "This matter has been approved by all the village representatives. The rent will be divided according to the number of people in the household."

Regarding this point, Xiao Lingyu naturally did not have any problems. She was only the lessee. How the rent was going to be distributed was not her issue.

Xiao Lingyu nodded and said, "That's fine. The six mountains have 11,306 Mu of land. The rent for each Mu is 150. So the total for every three years is 5,087,700. Village chief, is that correct?"

'When the village chief heard the number, he was shocked. It was more than five million, and Xiao Lingyu planned to pay that in one go. Did the Xiao Family have so much money?

Xiao Lingyu saw through the village chief's doubt. She smiled, "Village chief, I don't have that much money now. So I've taken a loan of four million from the bank."

The village chief was stunned and asked curiously, "Bank loan? What is that?" He knew about bank loans, but to his knowledge, the bank would only offer loans for businesses. Would they loan money to a farmer?

Xiao Lingyu said with a smile, "As long as you provide some information, the bank will give you a certain amount of loan based on your property status and the prospect of the investment project. Of course, that is under the condition that the bank believes the loaner can pay back the loan."

The village chief nodded.

Xiao Lingyu then added, "Of course. Since it's a loan, there will definitely be a certain amount of interest. For example, for my loan, the interest is 4.35 percent a year. In other words, I will have to pay around 170,000 RMB in interest every year."

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