Man...she's hot.

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⚠️ This will contain Violence, cursing, and maybe some blood too, if your uncomfortable with these things click off. ⚠️

Robin's pov.

It was lunch time. I was hanging out, eating with Finney my best friend and Gwen his sister. We kept laughing at some things, I also needed help with math again which Finney playfully groaned knowing that he'd have to help me out. I playfully nudged his shoulder causing him to giggle a bit. I smiled though.

Then we started hearing a commotion, confused we all looked at each other. Before standing up and walking towards the noise.

"I haven't said anything about you!"

"Wow and your also a lier? I heard you talking bad about me from one of my closest friends. She'd never lie to me!"

"Well it's the truth!"

"Oh my lord just admit you were talking bad about me!"

Finney, Gwen, and I stood in front of the scene of two girls arguing about if one of them talked bad about the other. Although one of the girls caught my attention, she had H/L, H/C hair, E/c eyes, S/c skin, and just looked amazing in general. I snapped out of my thoughts when the girl opposite of the girl I was talking about yelled.


"Oh my lord, that's completely wrong! I don't think that way at all!" The girl I was talking about argued back, trying to be as calm as possible.

"Well to me it does look that way Y/n! You even stole my boyfriend from me! He dumped me just to go for you, I mean come on what does he even see in you! You're nothing but a complete down grade from me."

'So her names Y/n huh?' I thought.

"Okay look now look who's talking in the down grade department, besides I don't even like him. Your little boyfriend is the one not leaving me alone, and can't seem to get the damn hint!" Y/n continued to argue back with the girl.

Eventually the cafeteria fell silent, the girl just staring straight at Y/n anger consuming her. The girl then ran straight towards Y/n without any warning trying to land a punch on her, but Y/n dodged swiftly letting the girl slightly trip but catch herself. The girl turned around looking at Y/n again before trying to land another hit.

Y/n calmly though grabbed the girls fist throwing it back to the girls side before, landing a perfect punch to her nose! A loud,


Was heard throughout the cafeteria, and painful screams being heard from the girl blood also dripping down her nose. Y/n only looked at her emotionless, then at her knuckle seeing some of the girls blood on it.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" The girl yelled in complete anger again, trying to hit Y/n one more time. Y/n simply dodged once again though allowing the girl to fall to the floor. Leaving her crying.

"Don't try landing a hit on me again. And tell your goofy boyfriend to stay away from me will ya? Or else he'll end up worser than you." Y/n spoke with such confidence. I looked at her in complete awe and admiration, same with Gwen. Finney on the other hand...looked at her terrified. (Awh, Poor Finney 🙁)

Y/n then looked up to face the crowd she had created and scoffed before saying, "Shows over. And now if you'll all excuse me I'll be making my way the bathroom, to clean off this rodents blood off my knuckle." then she made eye contact with me I saw her blush slightly when I flashed a smirk, before shaking her head.

'Man...she's hot.' I thought to myself as I watched Y/n push past the crowd on her way towards the bathroom. And that's the day she became known as the toughest girl in school.

The end.

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