I only have eyes for you

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Warning ⚠️ I believe it counts as a makeout session? As there is one in this chapter if you don't feel comfortable just skip it or skip the whole chapter.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it!

2nd person pov.
You have been dating Bruce for a few months now. Everything was perfect to you. Like going on daily dates on the weekends, or after school, going to Bruce's games, hanging out with the rest of the friend group, getting flowers from Bruce as gifts, and so much more. Well... maybe not everything was perfect. There would be times when Bruce can't make it to the plans you both took so long to happen, Bruce would have baseball practice, he'd have to babysit his sister, etc. But the main thing that had you infuriated was Bruce's fangirls.

Sure you could see why he had them. I mean hell you were one of his fangirls at some point too and you still are- But! You were still somewhat jealous. There would be multiple times where Bruce's fangirls crowded around him asking random questions about himself to get to know him and once they crowded around him you'd get pushed out of the way being far from Bruce as he got bombarded with questions. When you two would be alone on dates somehow a fangirl just has to appear and makes full on conversation with Bruce right in front of you! Bruce would try to push those fangirls away cause he'd see how frustrated you were, but each time he tried the fangirl would always find a way to avoid it.

With this being an ongoing thing you began to get insecure and overthink randomly in the middle of the night with questions like,
"He wouldn't leave me right? No no he couldn't, but what if he does!"

"He'll probably leave me eventually for a prettier girl than me."

"Am I really the one for him?"

"Does he really love me or is he just using me?"

"He's gonna probably dump me someday."

Yeah all that jazz.. although you knew deep inside that Bruce deeply cared about you, you couldn't help but still think those thoughts. Although now in present time, you two are in the middle of a date at the arcade. You two have played basketball, ski ball, fighting games (you won most of the rounds cause Bruce let you win), claw machines, and now you two are in the middle of playing a water game. You were having a fun time until.. you guessed it! A fangirl showed up.

Y/n's pov.

I immediately rolled my eyes once I heard a loud girls voice yell out, "Bruce!" anger, and frustration filled my body. I closed my eyes and let my head rest on the arcade machine thinking on how many more ways this supposedly fun day is going to go south.

"Bruce! I didn't know you'd be here. What game you playin?" The fangirl asked Bruce.

"Oh just this new water game they added." Bruce replied back nicely.

"Oh cool! Hey wanna go a round against me? I bet I'd beat you. Haha!" She forcefully laughed slightly causing me to be more annoyed cause it was completely obvious she forced it out.

Bruce then answered back, "Oh no thanks. I'm already playing with my girlfriend. You know, Y/n? She's right here."

I slowly turned around to face the fangirl flashing her a fake smile, "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Y/n." I introduced myself putting on a slightly sarcastic tone in my voice.

The girl looked at me obviously judging me and not wanting me to be near Bruce, "Oh I'm Ella, nice to meet you too I guess..." she sarcastically introduced herself to me. Before continuing, "But Bruce, I'm sure she won't mind a round or two right?" She looked between me and him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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