Damsel in Distress

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⚠️ This imagine will include cursing and some fighting, if you're uncomfortable with these kinds of things please click off. ⚠️

Y/n's pov.

I began walking home after doing a LOT, the whole day. First I went to school obviously, went to the library to study, then went to the grab n go, stopped by a friends house to drop off some things, and now I'm here, walking home with my bags in hand.

The only thing I had on my mind was getting home, showering, my skincare, and just laying in bed the rest of the night. The sun was slowly setting, the sky being painted by God, leaving a beautiful purple lilac color in the sky, along with some hot pink. Lord, how I loved sunsets.

While walking home with a smile on my face, I suddenly felt...watched. Instinct came in and I turned around to see no one. Thinking I was just starting to get paranoid since it was slowly getting dark out. But my gut feeling was so hard to ignore. So, to help it out a bit I started to speed walk home, slowly seeing the sign of my neighborhood.

Then, that's when I heard it...another pair of footsteps other than mine were right behind..me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around seeing some guy that looked older than me by 3 years or so. Next, he began to talk.

"Uhm, Hi. Sorry if I alarmed you I just wanted to ask if I could get your number?" He asked me shyly while looking at the floor with a soft blush.

I looked at him questioningly, my gut feeling not going away. If anything my gut feeling got worse when I started talking to him. Then, my mind went to Robin my boyfriend.

"No, I've already got a boyfriend. Besides I really gotta get home before my parents start to worry." I declared honestly while looking at him pitifully, seeing his gaze soften but then go into a harsh glare.

"So? What does he have that I don't? We can keep it a secret not like he'll ever find out." The guy started saying while reaching out for my arm trying to pull me closer to him.

Although through my struggles and protests, He. Would. Not. Budge. That's when I started yelling out for someone to help me. Wow, I felt so defenseless. Annoyed at myself for not being able to push this jerk off of me.

That's when a hand went over the guy's shoulder while saying, "I believe it's best if you let go of her man."

I recognized it from anywhere, it was Robin. A smile seeped it's way onto my face, as I saw him giving the guy a death stare.

"And what are you gonna do about it? You her boyfriend? Well a broad like her should be with me, sorry man I think I'll have her come with me." The guy began cockily, turning around to face Robin with a disgusting smirk on his face. As if he had just won the lottery.

Although Robin just looked at him emotionless for a while, "Really? Well, we'll see about that buddy." Robin replied while giving the guy a punch without any warning, and going into a fighting stance.

The guy immediately started having a bruise form over the side of his face. Looking at Robin filled with anger, trying to land a hit on him. But Robin easily blocked his punch, and kicked the guy in the stomach causing the guy to hunch over. Robin took no hesitation to push the guy towards the ground and grabbing on his hair hard. Tugging the guys head back.

"If you ever think about touching another girl like that again, just know that I will be after you dumb fuck. Never go near especially her ever again." Robin demanded into the guys ear causing the guy to repeatedly nod his head, while Robin let go of his hair.

Robin then turned to me his expression softening, while saying softly, "Did he hurt you Amor? Did he do anything else? If he did I swear I'm gonna-"

"No Robin, he didn't do anything else. I'm okay, all that coward did was grab onto my arm. Overall I'm completely fine." I cut Robin's sentence off making sure I reassured him quickly before he decided to do anything else.

"Okay now come on, I'll help you with your bags let's get you home."

"Okay- wait. Why were you here so late now?" I asked, looking back to where the sunset once was seeing that the sky was painted black, with sparks of light in it.

"I'll explain later Hermosa, for now let's get us both inside before I have to beat up any other guys."

Immediately I got quiet, the rest of the walk towards my house was an awkward silence. We reached the front door, I unlocked it, opened it, we both kicked off our shoes, and we made our way to my room.

Once I had closed the door of my room. I turned back around to Robin sitting on my bed looking at him softly. I gave him a look which basically said, 'Give me an explanation.'

Robin sighed before patting the spot next to him so I can sit beside him. I slowly walked to him and started to feel his arms wrap around my waist, feeling comforted by the warmth.

"I was there because I wanted to surprise you in coming over, then as I was walking I saw you being harassed by that damn guy...I was filled with anger and I just tried to keep myself composed to not have the scene get bigger and more of a problem than it already was. I love you." Robin explained hugging me tightly close to him my head resting on his shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly, "I love you too Robin." Were the last thing said when we got consumed by yet again another comfortable silence.

Robin in one swift movement had me lay on my back against the mattress, laying himself on top of me while resting his head in the crook of my neck. I played with his hair soothingly, while we were both drifting off into a comforting deep slumber.

The end.

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