Cleaning Wounds

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⚠️ There will be cursing, mentions of blood and violence in this imagine, if you feel uncomfortable with these things I suggest you click off of this one, you have been warned ⚠️

Y/n's pov:

I began walking down the sidewalk towards school. It was about 7 in the morning, everything was peaceful until I heard a voice yelling.

"Fucking cock sucking cowards!"

'Wait.' I thought for a moment. I recognize that voice from anywhere.


Immediately my legs started moving on their own rushing towards where I heard Gwen's voice. Once I had arrived, two things that were happening caught my eye. 1. I saw Gwen throwing rocks at 3 kids, and 2. Finney laying on the ground in pain.

Anger immediately built up inside of me once I saw the sight of Finney in pain. I threw my backpack onto the ground aggressively, making my way towards them, watching as Gwen laid a good hit on one of the kids hitting him right on the head with the rock. Blood oozing out of the kids head. Damn. Sucks to suck.

"You too ugly ass face." Gwen warned the redheaded kid while throwing a rock at him, but he ends up dodging it.

"Hey!" I called out to them as I made my way over to them standing beside Gwen.

"Y/n!" Gwen looked at me with adoration happy that she got some help to defend Finney. But before anyone could process anything I ran up to the redheaded kid hitting him straight in the nose hearing a loud,


as he fell to the ground, clutching onto his nose in pain. I looked down at him still full of anger as I went on top of him moved his hands away from his face, and started to land more punches on him. Punch after punch I stopped when my knuckles started to bleed.

I turned around to see the other kid kick Gwen in the mouth causing blood to flow out of it. Anger filled me once again as he kicked her in the mouth again causing a bit more blood to come out.

"Gwen!" Finney yelled out in pain, and sorrow not being able to protect Gwen in his state on the ground.

Next, I stormed right behind him, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him to the ground. Once I did I decided why not give him a taste of his own medicine. When he got onto the floor I kicked him in the mouth causing it to bleed as well just like Gwen's. I continued to kick at his mouth a few more times until I knew he's had enough. Before walking away I punched him hoping to give him a black eye.

Then right as my eyes laid on both Finney and Gwen they softened. As quickly as the anger arrived, as quickly as it left being replaced with worry.

"Damn it, are you two okay? Finney can you stand up?" I ask worriedly as I looked at Finney seeing him nod his head in response. "Okay good, come on Gwen it's best if we continue getting to school you'll need to go to the nurses office for your mouth."

Gwen took sharp breathes, "O-okay.." she softly replied in pain while slowly standing up.

Next I quickly grabbed my backpack putting it on while I had one arm around Gwen helping her stand, the other arm helping up Finney.

Time skip at school.

Once we entered the school doors everyone was starring at us, I ignored them though getting Gwen to the nurses office.

"I'll come get you when it's lunch time Gwen for now get cleaned by the nurse. I'll be with Finney helping to clean his bloody nose and checking if he has any other wounds okay?" I explained looking at Gwen.

Gwen not wanting to talk only nodded her head as she opened the nurses door entering the room. Then I led Finney to the bathrooms to clean him up.

Once we walked in, we got weird stares again. Ignoring them I told Finney to stand up by the sink and to lean on the wall behind him so he can have something to balance on. Finney complied.

I grabbed paper towels and started to clean up Finney's nose. Worry and concentration being illuminated on my face. I felt Finney staring at me as I cleaned his nose, but I choose to ignore it just wanting to focus on getting him cleaned up. Once complete I looked over on Finney's arms to see anything else that I need to clean. While I did so Finney started to speak.

"You don't need to worry so much Y/n."

"What do you mean? Of course I'm gonna be worried I don't want you to be in pain Finney! This is serious-" before I could finish talking Finney interrupted me.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Everything's fine now right? Besides your knuckles are literally bleeding let me clean you now."


"No. Let me help you like how your helping me. Please Y/n it's only fair if you do." Finney argued with me.

My response was only a nod since I didn't feel like arguing much longer. Finney smiled and started to grab some more paper towels lightly dapping it over my bloodied knuckles.

I smiled as I watched Finney clean my knuckles gently, remembering back to the conversation a few seconds ago to how stubborn he was. Then Finney grabbed some tape that was left on the sink for some reason, and lightly placed the tape around my knuckles also making sure that it was tight.

"Thank you Finney." I blurted out smiling.

"It's no problem Y/n, but please just remember that I care for you too. Don't always get so worked up on worrying for me and Gwen, Me and Gwen both worry for you too." Finney replied while having a look of concern on his face.

In response I hugged him saying, "Yeah I know, I know. It's just...I get so worked up when people I care about get hurt so, I completely forget about having to take care of myself as well. I'm sorry."

Finney hugged back tightly, "It's okay I get it you were just wanting me and Gwen safe. But, please just remember about taking care of yourself okay?"


Then we stood there hugging, taking in each others warmth, smiling like idiots and blushing lightly for a few more minutes. I'm glad my crush and his sister are okay now.

The end.

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