Chapter 20

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Hello! I know that this is late, but the good new is that you can expect more regular updates from me from now on, as the school year is over for me. Hopefully the slightly extra length of this chapter will make up for the delay ;)

Also, I'm not sure if many people have noticed but I've posted pictures of the main characters throughout the previous chapters, so it might be worth going back and having a look. The ones with broken links have been fixed, but please let me know if one of them isn't working.

Pic above is Farrelly

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to lavina12345, for the encouraging messages. I do so love messages, and comments, of course.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter, and please vote/comment with your thoughts ;p

Yuri's POV

"Yuri," Max exclaimed as he rushed into the now-empty store, slamming the Staff Only door behind him, "I need you to round everyone up right now. If they aren't here at the moment, call them. If they don't pick up, tell me and I'l go and bring them here. Just do it quickly."

I nodded, brain whirring as it was overwhelmed for a moment before I gathered my thoughts. 'Everyone', to my knowledge, was Mitzi Collins (now almost eight months into her pregnancy), who barely ever left the gas station anymore and so would be easy to find; Jaxy Hughes, who I'd last seen when I'd dropped him off at the middle school this morning; Sasha, who was most likely either asleep or in the back room with Mitzi; and our newest addition, thirteen-year-old Bres Farrell, a runaway werewolf from a pack in Ohio, who was fairly tight-lipped about his past and family.

As I passed into the large back room of the gas station after closing the store up early for the evening, I spotted Max in his office through the open door. He was rifling urgently through his diary, jabbing frantically at the buttons on the landline. Calling up allies, I surmised, on the basis of the conversation between Max and Kieran and co. that I'd been listening in on (with Max's permission, of course). Strong though he was, Max didn't have a hope in hell of taking out the entire leadership of the pack by himself, and he refused to trust Declan Mulalley's rogue group with Nicholas' life, believing (probably correctly) that they would put their own interests above Nick's life.

Mitzi and Sasha were indeed in the back room, curled up next to each other on one of the air mattresses underneath several fleece blankets. By the looks of it, Sasha seemed to be reading a book, most likely borrowed from the school library, to Mitzi's baby bump. Mitzi appeared to be half-asleep already, constantly tired now as she neared full-term, but she was smiling faintly at Sasha.

Things hadn't been easy for Mitzi in the last few months. She had been one of the relatively lucky wolves who found their mates at sixteen (the earliest one could find a mate), but that was where her luck had ended. She had been thrown out of her house about six months ago when her parents had discovered that her human mate, Parker, had gotten her pregnant.

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