Chapter 21

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Hello! I know that this is probably a bit shorter than you were hoping for, but this is mostly the build-up to the action, so pay attention! Also, where I am it's now three in the morning, and I literally can't stay awake to write anymore ;)

 We find out a bit more about Nick's past (I've finally clarified a few things about that, yay!) that might not have been very clear before. Worry not, I shall update again very soon (sooner than my usual definition of soon, as well), so you won't be waiting long anyway. Also for this chapter, I would like to apologise to any residents of Indiana now, because I've only ever been to Florida and therefore have like two minutes of internet research to base my descriptions of winter weather in Indiana on. I'm actually living in Ireland, so I imagine the climate's probably a good bit different over here!  

Now, as I'm sure you've all noticed, this book has a brilliant new cover, for which I would like to thank Veleon. This chapter, needless to say, is dedicated to the amazing Veleon for the awesome new cover :)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and please vote/comment to let me know what you think of where the story is going, and the next update hopefully won't be too long ;)

*Nick's POV*

I stepped lightly over the undergrowth of the forest my adoptive father's house backed on to, careful not to break a branch or rustle one of the numerous leaves that carpeted the forest floor. There were less than twenty other wolves with me, including Farrelly, Declan having lead the advance group that had probably already reached the house and gotten into position. Killian, the Beta, was likely already in position by the pack house with about half the warriors, ready to head off any attempt the pack might make to come to their leaders' aid. 

Gabriel's pack used natural tree oils purchased in bulk from a very confused drugstore employee, and a lot of mud, to conceal their scents. It was quite a sight to see the rather arrogant Gabriel Farrell slathered from head to toe in thick brown muck, stinking of pine oil.

It was now twenty minutes to nine, and since it was mid-November in eastern Indiana, there was a brisk wind blowing, and the snow was up to two inches high in places, although the snow wouldn't really start until probably mid-December. I was cold, clad in only my jeans, long-sleeved t-shirt and hoodie- hardly suitable winter attire, although someone from the rogue camp had kindly leant me a child's woollen hat and a pair of knit mittens. It hadn't been this cold in Pennsylvania, or maybe that was just how I remembered it.

When we were maybe ten feet away from the perimeter fence of my old house's backyard, looking down from a slight ridge, Farrelly signalled to us with a wave of a hand and we all dropped as one to lay flat on our front on the snowy ground. I winced as the slushy snow soaked right through my hoodie and t-shirt, but didn't move.

The advance group, barely recognisable since they were almost completely smothered in mud and leaves were crouched against the back fence of my father's property. As we watched, Decan turned slightly to give Farrelly a pre-determined and signal.


Farrelly turned to me and gestured for me to crawl over to where he was crouched behind the trunk of a tree and several thorny bushes. When I'd reached him and was out of sight from the house, he reached into his mud-covered rucksack and handed me a clean, dry hoodie. I changed quickly from my old one, covered completely in melted snow and dried mud. My dirty jeans would be less noticeable, not that my father had ever particularly cared what I wore. 

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