Chapter 11

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Hello! So this is probably late, but I had the worst case of writer's block ever, and I just couldn't get this chapter out any faster. It's long though, so hopefully that makes up for things. The lovely comments and votes were very motivating, too, so thanks guys ;)

So, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to YasmineFernandez9984, because I love her stories, and I'm currently working my way through her awesome werewolf series. 

Anyway, here's the chapter, and I'd love it if you could take the time to vote or comment. It realy means a lot. Hope you all like the chapter :)

[Malcolm's POV]

My mate and I were sitting together, Nicky cuddled carefully into my chest with each of our arms wrapped around the others' waist, when I heard the front door open, then voices- an adult male and female, two humans, I guessed. I unconsciously tightened my arms around Nicky and shifted him so that he was sandwiched between the arm of the couch and my body, my arms spread wide to fend the humans off should they turn out to be a threat to my mate.

I came to my senses half a second later when Nicky started to wriggle, and his breathing spread up until he was practically hypverntilating. It was his words that snapped me back to myself completely, though. 

"It's my aunt and her husband, Mal. Get off me, now!"

Although I pouted at the thought of my mate possibly being embarrassed of me, I took his feelings into consideration and shifted so that there was a respectable few inches between us on the couch. Nicky ran his pianist's fingers through his fair hair hurriedly, flattening it from where it had stuck up when he'd been pressed against my chest. 

Then Nicky's aunt and her husband walked through the living room door, probably looking to check on Nicky. Loathe though I was to admit it, my mate did seem to be the kind of person who needed to be checked on every now and then. Unwillingly, my mind drifted back to the day Nicky had gone missing on school grounds, and I'd gotten the faint smell of blood off him, as well as finding the cigarette lighter spotted with suspiciously blackish liquid. My mind ran away with me for a few seconds- Nicky didn't self-harm, did he? With a sudden surge of crippling agony, I realised that that was a definite possibility, and that I'd have to start checking up on him more often.

"Oh, hello there. Are you a friend of Nicholas' from school? I'm Carla, Eimear's mom," the woman, who did indeed look quite a bit like Eimear, said with a friendly smile.

There was a tall, strong-looking yet slim man standing behind her, and I knew instantly that this was Nate's father. They had almost identical facial features, but where Nate's hair was cut to the nape of his neck, this man let his slightly more golden hair brush his shoulders. If I were a mere human, this man would have seemed intimidating, but then a large warm smile broke out across his face and his eyes crinkled at the corners. I wondered if Nate could do that, too- I'd never seen that kid smile, even if I had only known him for less than a month.

"And I'm Samuel, Nathaniel's father," the blond man said with a that warm friendly smile.

I got up off the couch with my most charming smile, determined to do my best to make a good impression on Nicky's family. I shook hands politely with Carla and Samuel, kissing Carla lightly on the cheek. She giggled happily, smiling at me while Samuel shot me a playful glare.

"My name is Malcolm Nolan, I'm Nicky's friend. Very pleased to meet you, sir and ma'am."

"None of that, boy," Samuel said gruffly with a wave of his hand, "Call us Carla and Sam."

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