Chapter 7

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Hello! Since it seems that most of you like Kieran a lot already, this chapter has some more of him in it, with much more to come in future chapters ;) Not much happening in this one because it's somewhat of a filler chapter, but it's kind of laying the foundation for the next one, which will be quite important for the rest of the book ;)

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Forget_Me_Naught because I started reading her book 'I Love You from Alpha to Omega' a few nights ago and just couldn't stop. You should all check it out, if you like werewolf boyxboys (which, if you're reading this, you probably do).

So, here's the chapter, hope you enjoy! Please vote/comment, I'd really appreciate it :)

[Nick's POV]

That day after school, I brought up the topic of 'having one of my friends to stay' at dinner with Aunt Carla and Samuel. They both looked momentarily shocked at discovering that I'd actually had friends, but to their credit they covered it up quickly. They agreed in no time- it wasn't like they had any reason to say no. They were quite rich, the house had plenty of spare bedrooms, and they would be 'encouraging me to become more social'. I'd smiled tightly at that, fighting the urge to stamp my foot like a child. I loathed when people tried to make me conform to normal standards, especially in social habits. It wasn't my fault I was the way I was, so I resented receiving the blame for it.

That night, having successfully dodged Nate and Eimear's attempts at questioning me about Kieran, asking me why they didn't know my friend (there was quite a lot about me they didn't know), I called Kieran from my bedroom when I was sure that no one was listening in. He picked up on the fifth rig, just as I was starting to get a little concerned.

"Hey, Kee," I said quietly, mindul of possible eavesdroppers or someone hearing me form the next room.

"Hey, Nick," he responded, sounding surprised, probably because I was calling hi back quite a bit earlier than I'd said, "That was quick."

I smirked at that.

"Yes," I replied, "But anyway, I asked my aunt and her husband if you could stay for a while, and they said yes. Once you're here, I'll bring up you staying for a while longer than they're expecting. They're rich and kind- they won't throw you out on your ass. We can make up some general story about vague 'fmaily problems' or whatever. You can got to school with me, and when you graduate you sya you have that scholrship- so you're sorted."

I heard the faint gasp over the phone, and smirked again as I imagined Kieran's shocked expression. Whatever solution to his problems he had imagined me coming up with, I doubted that he had thought it would be so extensive. This could solve almost everything.

"That's great, Nick. Are you sure your folks don't mind?"

"Positive. They just looked glad that I have friends, to be honest."

"Well that's good so. I wish there was a way to help Yuri, though- to pay him back for all the times he's warned us about your father's crew. He came into school with a broken arm and a black eye yesterday. Looks like his uncle found out about him warning you, although Yuri says that he hasn't touched Sasha and that that's what's important to him. He's been picking up your shifts at the gas station at weekends, so I think he's saving up for something."

I hissed at hearing Kieran's description of Yuri's injuries, feeling guilty, but I was glad that he seemed to have some plan in place to get out of his uncle's house with his sister. It didn't sound like his uncle or any of the rest of my father's group of friends had gotten to him and raped him, though, which at least was something. I resolved to help him. If he was working at Max's he probably had escaping in mind, for which he'd need cash.

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