Chapter 10

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Hello! Sorry, this is probably a little late, but we've had dress rehearsals or performances every night this week for the school musical, and even though I'm literally in three songs, I haven't had any free time. Thank you so much for all the votes/comments/follows, they do woders for my motivation ;)

Still, I hope you like this chapter. For those who like the Christopher/Kieran pairing, Christopher's POV is in this chapter a bit ;)

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to LovlynBeautiful, because her story, "Anxiously Yours' is soo good!

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the chapter, and maybe drop me a vote/comment? :)

[Malcolm's POV]

My mate writhed and whimpered as I held him tightly in my arms, desperate to reassure myself that he was still with me. He was extremely uncomfortable with human contact, even afraid of it, and that killed me, because now I knew why.

From what Nicholas and Kieran had told us about the pack in their hometown, the one Kieran's uncle nad Nicholas' father belonged to, Christopher and I had read between the lines. Taking into account the strangulation marks around Kieran's pale neck, and the bruise and cut my mate had been sporting the first day I'd seen him, it seemed obvious in retrospect that they had been beaten.

The idea of my small human mate cowering on the ground while a full-grown adult male werewolf beat hit him hard enough to bruise his beautiful fair skin made my blood boil, and I could tell that Christopher wasn't feeling any better about the same things happening to his mate. I did notice that Kieran seemed less obviously broken than Nicky, however, at least outwardly. Everyone dealt with trauma differently, and I could never hold my mate's coping strategies against him. 

As my mate refused to stop struggling and whimpering, begging me in mued shaking sobs to please let go of him, because my touch was burning him, I knew that he needed more than just the physical reassureance that I was trying my best to provide. I was so angry that I doubted my ability to speak with a steady voice, but for Nicky, I would do anything. The fact that my mate's own father had beaten him so badly that he now feared his own mate's touch would have sent me over the edge if I didn't see that my mate needed me right now.

"Sssshhh, Nicky, it's okay. I assume Kieran told me that you were my mate, right? Well, that means I'm going to look after you, protect you, and love you. There's no one in the world for you that's safer than me, I'll always be here for you."

That a father, a werewolf, could do this to his pup, made me too angry for words. Nicholas had mentioned that he was adopted, but never a relative apart from his adoptive father. It made me wonder what had happened to his birth parents, and indeed to his adoptive mother. Had she just stood by and let all of this happen? Nicholas had never mentioned having a mother.

My heart broke as my strong, proud mate- who had never before let me see him display even the slightest sign of weakness- buried his face in my chest and cried. He made no sound apart from heart-wrenching little gasps for air, and if it wasn't for the sight of his scrawny body heaving with sobs I'd have hardly even known that he was crying at all. I whispered gentle reassurances into my mate's ear as he sobbed, rubbing his quivering back soothingly as I tried desperately to beat back my anger.

As soon as my mate was somewhat recovered, I would track down his father, and Kieran's uncle. Then, Christopher and I would tear those two disgusting pieces of humanity to shreds. No one hurts my mate.


[Christopher's POV]

When I had first spotted my mate, Kieran Mulalley, I had been absolutely over the moon- my eighteenth birthday had only been a few weeks ago, and some wolves waited half their lives for their mates. Then I had caught sight of the fading purple handprint bruises that wrapped around my mate's perfect neck, and I hadn't been able to breathe right since. 

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