Chapter 1

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Hello! Thanks so much for all of the votes on the prologue, I literally squealed when I saw that people had actually voted for my story! It really does mena a lot guys, so thanks :)

Anyway, this chapter might seem a little dull, but it's just to let you get to know Nick before the plot really begins. Everything will start to get far more interesting in the coming chapters. 

Hope you like the chapter, and please remember to vote/comment if you enjoy it!

Pic is of Nate

[Nick's POV]

"Nicky, hurry up please," begged a frazzled Aunt Carla, fluttering about anxiously by the doorway as I sat on the sofa tying the laces on my Converse. Ever since I moved to this new town with them about a week ago, Eimear's mother has been almost unbearably ancious around me, like she was afraid that anything she did could set me off. She should know better, really- if I was that sensitive, I'd probably be dead by now, as my father wasn't exactly a considerate person. Not that I would have expected him to be, because all of my 'quirks' (side effects of a possible but as of yet undiagnosed case of mild PTSD) are due to him. Really, once she doesn't go to touch me or shout too suddenly, I'd be as alright as one could realistically expect.

I'd done my best to deal with my 'quirks' on my own, not wanting my aunt's family to regret taking me in, and I'd been doing just fine so far. Today I was wearing a pair of long, baggy stone-washed jeans, a plain nut-brown long-sleeved t-shirt, and a blue zip-up hoodie. I had decided against asking Aunt Carla to buy me dark clothes that were far too big for me in an attempt not to give her another reason to try and send me to therapy, and anyway, I'd probably blend in better this way at my new school since I'd look just like everyone else. I'd learned from experience that the bullies were far more inclined to go for the 'emo' than the quiet kid who faded into the background.

Nate's father, Samuel, was far calmer than my Aunt Carla, so I don't understand why they got married. I mean, they don't seem compatible at all. Aunt Carla was frazzled, generally anxious, and hopelessly neurotic; while Samuel was calm, goofy, and never got anything done. Confusing, then, why they got married, but they seemed happy enough.

I finished up with the laces on my left shoe before moving on to my right, marvelling at the newness of the expensive shoes. Aunt Carla was an orthodontist while Samuel was a surgeon, so they were fairly well off, although neither were ever around very often. They had both bought me so many new expensive things, things I'd never had before, like a laptop, my Converse, and an iPhone. Today, Aunt Carla had decided to take me, Eimear and Nate shopping for last-minute stationery supplies, as we would all be starting at the local high school the next day.

I finished with my shoes and made my way out the front door past Aunt Carla, being very careful not to brush off her. I hated touching people after what my father had done to me, it terrified me how broken I was. Underneath all of the baggage, however, I was still me, still the sarcastic, sassy little sonofabitch. I was just a little more bitter now, and I had become a hardcore loner over the last few years. Nate and Eimear were the only people my own age that I spoke to anymore, and even then it was only a few words every other day.

I both hated people and was afraid of them- most of my old school, including the teachers, had to have guessed why I showed up to school every day covered in cuts and bruises, why I never spoke, why I limped almost all the time. It was hardly that much of a stretch, but none of them had even attempted to help me, even when the bullying started. It was better to hate everybody, that way I would never make the mistake of trusting someone, because no one had ever tried to help me. Nate and Eimear didn't count.

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