13- Flat Hunting Vol 3: Grey comes home

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I help Ledger sort out the paperwork with Anna. In fact, I'm not entirely certain that Anna would have approved the situation if I weren't there to mediate. The entire time we're with her, her eyes never leave Ledger, a wary, cautious gleam in them.

She has seen too much.

We agree upon a date for them to move in, in approximately two weeks time. I'll be starting my performances then, but Amyas and Everett should be around to help Ledger move.

I leave Ledger to tell Everett the good news, and entrust him to begin sorting out his own packing. Whether or not that's a wise decision, only time will tell.

On my way back to my flat I pause at the crossing, waiting for the traffic lights to change. My local Starbucks gleams at me from across the street and I smile at the sight of it. I haven't had the time to go in for the last week, having made do with awful instant at Ledger's place. It's only just gone midday and after the traumatic few days I've experienced, I decide I deserve to get a relatively decent coffee.

I walk in happily, joining the queue as I sort through my digital calendar. It helps keep my mind clear. I input the dates of Ledger and Everett's move, quickly tapping out a to-do list. Most of this consists on checking on Ledger to make sure he's actually packed and ready to go.

It all feels so real...so fast. I purse my lips, wondering not for the first time how my own desires have slipped so far out of reach. The queue moves forwards and I feel a familiar twist of anxiety flow through me as I meet Blue's dark gaze.

"You're back." He says, his voice unusually flat.

I hesitate, wondering if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"I guess all good things must come to an end." He adds.

Well, that solves that.

"Sam! We missed you!" Rex calls suddenly and I glance over, spotting his happy face. I smile warmly, waving at him.

Oh, Sam, how I have missed you too.

"How are you?" I ask.

Blue's expression sinks into impatience as Rex wanders closer, happy to chat as there aren't any customers behind me.

"I'm good thanks, grumpy pants over here was worried about you." He says, elbowing his brother.

Blue turns to look at Rex with the contemplation of murder in his eyes, but I merely laugh. The thought of Blue worrying about me is more than a little absurd, but I note the vague pink glow in his cheeks and stop laughing, instead smiling good-humouredly.

"Sure he was. I've been flat hunting all week." I say.

Blue's gaze narrows.

"Are you moving?" He asks eagerly.

I'm sure he'd love that.

"No, a friend of mine is moving in with my brother, so they were looking for a place." I explain.

Rex frowns, a little puzzled.

"And they asked you to help?" He confirms.

"My brother's back home, sorting some things out. Plus Ledger...he uh..." I hesitate, wondering why I'm sharing quite so much information.

"Is insane." Blue supplies.

"Blue!" Rex protests.

"He's not wrong." I say kindly, smiling when Blue glances at me.

He holds my gaze for a moment, scanning my face.

"Well, it's nice to have you back." Rex says and I glance at him, nodding as a smile crawls onto my lips. It feels good to be back.

Blue slides a cup towards me wordlessly and I frown, picking it up.

It's my order, my usual order which I get every day.

I look up, beaming at him.

"Thank you, Blue!"

"£20.25." He says and I balk.

"Have you used coconut milk with gold flakes?" I ask half-heartedly, gazing at the side of the cup again.

'Hobgoblin' is scrawled on the cardboard cover and I pout slightly. That's just mean.

"No. That's for all of the coffees you missed this week." He says.

"But I didn't ask you to make them?" I reason gently, looking back at him.

He merely shrugs.

"You should had thought about that before I made them." He says carelessly.

I laugh quietly in disbelief, pursing my lips. I'm sure he gets all of his regulars orders ready for them, and if I had wasted ingredients, I wouldn't want them to be out of pocket because of me. And I do normally come in with reliable predictability.

I exhale gently, tapping my card against the reader.

Blue watches me with an intense dislike as I do so, which only gets worse as I drop my tip into his mug.

"Don't do that. I don't like the sound." He snaps and I nod, placing the second coin in silently. This doesn't seem to make things any better, his disgusted expression following me all the while.

I move to the seating area with my coffee, settling in an uncomfortable wooden chair as I continue to sort my monthly planner. My drink is still piping hot and I marvel at how good Blue is at his job to make it up so quickly. He must have seen me when I came in and pre-made it so it was ready. My heart swells a little at the thoughtfulness of that gesture.

I've always preferred Blue's drinks over his other colleagues, not that I'd ever admit it to them. He just has a knack with it, something about them just tasting that much better.

I stare at my cup for a moment.

What if he puts something truly awful in it?

I glance over at him, finding his cold stare already on me and look away quickly.

It's better to not know, I decide.

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