26- Confession

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I stand in the wings, my body buzzing with adrenaline as I eagerly anticipate my cue. Getting the chance to watch Eric play my role for the first time had been amazing, and I was so proud of how far he had come. But my week off, which had been spent at home with my family, had created an unholy boredom that itched in my bones. I am beyond ready to get back to it, desperate to be back where I belong. On that stage.

I glance at Mark, grinning at him and shooting a double thumbs up as he gallops on to the stage. His grin is huge and cheeky, warming my heart as I see just how much he loves this. Hell, we all do.

I bounce on the balls of my feet, watching the scene in front of me like a hawk.

As soon as I hear my cue, I bound on to the stage, joining in with the chorus of the song as I step forwards. I come to Mark's side, smiling at him as we bounce off each other in the way that seems to come so naturally.

As I scan the audience, I very nearly trip over my words.

Dark blue eyes and vivid blue hair shine from the very centre of the first row. It's the only row we can really see from the brightly lit stage, but I think I'd recognise him even in the furthest row. His expression is scarily blank, a tiny scowl on his face as his body sits tense and rigid in his seat.

I do my best to ignore him, and the absurd breathlessness that's suddenly overtaken my lungs, but I struggle to shake off the knowledge that he's here.

The song comes to an end and I sidle into the wings, running my hands down my costume hastily.

"Everything okay, Grey?" Mark asks quickly, covering his mic.

I nod hastily, getting ready for my next scene.

I glance over my shoulder, cursing when I see Rosie crossing the stage.

I compose myself quickly, forcing an easy, confident smile on my lips.

This scene has never been hard for me. I've read the book, seen this movie and the stage production more times than I can count. Marius and Cosette falling in love is so beautiful, and recreating that moment with Rosie is easy. I don't feel anything, but it's easy to fake. But today, I'm seeing someone else. I'm seeing him, and now every glance is heavy, wanting and passionate.

My feet guide me on the journey they've walked a hundred times before, but this time it feels different.

When our scene is over, I press my hand against my chest, feeling my heart hammering in my chest. I close my eyes briefly, shaking my head.

Get it together, man.

By our next scene, I'm more composed. I can do this, I know I can. But as I step out, approaching the gates for our duet, I connect with his eyes once more. And then all I see is Blue.

Every word I sing sounds different, feels like more than I've ever given before.

As my hands reach out, holding Rosie's in mine, her eyes shine as her voice climbs, the sound of us harmonising perfectly. When the song comes to an end, I find myself breathless, my cheeks burning. I escape off stage, shaking my head.

Mark congratulates me, laughing as he slaps me on the back.

"Dude, you're killing it tonight! I could actually believe you're in love with her." He says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Don't you have a number to do." I mutter, wiping my brow as he chuckles. We fall into the old, familiar favourite, each of us bouncing off each other as we banter in the set of our rebel hide-out, my grin never lessening as I revel in the lullaby of the ABC cafe.

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