21- Sick to death

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For some reason, after that, my masochism draws me to Starbucks daily with my old, religious routine. Seeing Blue makes me feel...odd. Breathless and almost...excited. I actively look forward to the creative insults he'll hurl my way, and this morning is no exception.

Blue's eyes flicker upwards for only a second before he resumes whatever he was doing on his till.

"Get out."

I smile at the familiarity, pondering for just a moment if I should invest in some time with a therapist.

"Nice to see you too, are you well?" I ask politely.

He heaves a heavy sigh, glancing up at me again with a pinched expression. My smile falls somewhat as I take in his pale complexion, the dullness in his usually vibrant eyes.

"What do you want?" He asks despondently and I press my lips together in concern. He's not being nearly as mean as he normally is. It's concerning.

"Are you alright?" I ask, glancing around for Rex.

"I'm fine." He snaps, sounding much more like his usual self.

"You don't..." I pause. He always looks fine, but today he looks unwell.

"You don't look well." I say softly.

"I'm fine." He repeats. He's beginning to look impatient, but I don't really care.

"Where's Rex? Maybe he could..." I begin, glancing around the counter.

"He doesn't need to know." He hisses, cutting me off.

"I would want to know, if it were my brother." I argue. Blue pulls a face.

"You have a million brothers." He says distastefully.

"I do. People always say our mother is a saint for taking all of us on." I say, wondering just when Blue and I became capable of conversation that's civil.

"Taking you on?" He demands.

"We were adopted." I confirm. Blue stares at me peculiarly for a moment. I purse my lips, glancing at him up and down. He really doesn't look well.

"Where is Rex?" I ask.

"Sick." Blue mumbles and I hum unhappily.

"And you're sick too?" I ask.

"Sick of the sight of you." He mutters. The comment almost makes me smile, but its delivery is weak and forced.

"And there's no one else here?" I confirm.

Blue shakes his head.

The door sweeps open behind me and I bite my lip, glancing at my watch.

I'm due at my old college for rehearsals in half an hour. Every year they throw a halloween showcase, highlighting the talent of their students as part of the October London theatre week, and they'd invited me back to participate. Squeezing in rehearsals around my already overflowing schedule has been impossible, and there is no way I am able to miss this one.

I sigh, knowing that, despite that, there's really no fight to be had.

I'm going to be in so much trouble for this.

"Go and sit down." I order.

Blue looks up at me like I'm crazy, his eyes widening in horror as I breeze behind the counter. I grab an apron from one of the pegs on the back wall and wrap it around myself efficiently. It's been a little while since I worked at Starbucks, but I remember the gist of it.

The till is logged in already, and I take a second to re-familiarise myself with the system.

"Grey?! What are you doing?" Blue hisses urgently.

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