17- Brother(s) in A(r)ms

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"Thanks again for letting me stay, Grey." Amyas says and I wave him off.

Amyas is staying with me for the weekend, and I understand the decision. It's not exactly a difficult one to make. 

Whilst Amyas is more than welcome at Everett and Ledger's place, and loves to stay, our eldest brother also seems to enjoy an...enthusiastic love life. Between Everett being our elder brother and Ledger being Amyas' best friend, it's uncomfortable to say the least.

And with my rehearsals, shows and religious coffee schedule, I'm hardly ever around to bother him. Of all my brothers, Amyas is the one I'm closest to, and the pleasure I have in his quiet company is more than I can express. If anything, I'm incredibly pleased by his impromptu visit.

"Don't mention it." I say.

Amyas happily swings the paper bag in his hand, full of paints and brushes that I know he'll be itching to break in. We have been shopping all morning, catching up and enjoying the peace of seeing each other without the rest of our siblings present.

"Oh, can we go in? I'm dying for a drink." He says suddenly and I glance up, my lips pursing as I catch sight of my local Starbucks. I glance at my watch, noting that it's just gone 12pm.

I would rather not, especially when Blue is almost certainly going to be on shift, but the idea of explaining my reluctance to my brother also doesn't bode well.

"We're just about to have lunch." I reason and he nods.

"You don't have any teas in though. I checked this morning." He says and I curse quietly under my breath. I knew I had forgotten something.

"Oh, sure." I say tensely.

Amyas walks over, tugging the door open enthusiastically. I smile at him, following somewhat reluctantly as he stares at the menu. The place is practically empty at this time, only young mums and the retired milling around before the lunch rush.

Rex glances over from the till, smiling when he recognises me and I wave, relief swimming through me.

"Who's that?" Amyas asks.

"Rex. He works here." I say simply and Amyas nods.

I approach the counter with a happy smile, Amyas trailing behind me.

"Hi Rex!" I say happily and he grins.

"Hey Sam, this a new friend of yours?" He asks and I glance at Amyas. He's looking between the two of us with an odd expression and I smile.

"Oh, no this is..."

"Rex, you're on break." Blue's voice interrupts and I feel my expression drop visibly.

Oh no.

Rex glances at his brother with a hint of irritation and meets cold, argumentative eyes. I've never understood how these two are related. He sighs in resignation and shoots an apologetic smile my way, shrugging off his apron.

I wave as he goes, rolling my lips between my teeth. Dread pools in my stomach when I find Blue's critical gaze scanning my brother. There's something about it that I don't like, not when it's my brother on the receiving end. I angle my body in front of him and Blue scowls at me.

"Do you know what you want, Ams?" I ask and he nods. It'll be a tea of some variety...black, or maybe a herbal one.

"Can I get a chai?" He asks and I nod, smiling at his predictability.

My smile becomes a little more forceful when it's aimed at Blue and I hope against hope that it instructs him to behave himself.

"Hey, Blue." I say quietly.

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