20- United

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I avoid Starbucks for the next few days, a little mortified by my last interaction there. Work provides a pleasant distraction, and so would my brothers, if any of them actually bothered to answer my texts. They've been oddly silent, all of them, for the last few days and I'm beginning to get concerned.

But more pressing things are bothering me at present. Namely, the incessant tap emanating from my door.

I groan when I realise that ignoring it will not make it stop, rolling over into my pillow.

I glance at the clock, noting distastefully that it's barely 7am.

Who the hell is at my door this early? I know for a fact that it isn't Ledger, who frankly does not operate during early morning hours, and it won't be Everett unless there's been an emergency.

That thought alone spurs me out of bed.

I pad towards the door, grumbling the whole way there as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I hadn't got in till 1am last night, having foolishly decided to go for a drink with my colleagues after the show. I won't be making the same mistake again.

I swipe at the door when the knocking begins again, sweeping it open with a violent glare. But my irritation seeps away as quickly as it came, surprise left in it's wake.

"What?" I mumble, completely perplexed at the sight of all five of my brothers in front of me.


Luka's voice is practically a scream whilst the twins are dazzling their palms at me in incredibly enthusiastic jazz hands. Amyas and Everett look tired, humouring our youngest siblings.

"What...why are you all here? Is mum okay?" I ask, glancing between them before settling on Everett.

His expression softens.

"We're here for your birthday, Grey." He says gently.

My birthday? I wrack my brain, trying to remember the date.

"It's my birthday?" I ask quietly.

Amyas and Walter look a little disturbed whilst Everett's lips settle into a firm line. Wrong thing to say.

"Oh, uh, come in!" I say, stepping back hastily.

I'm all too aware that I'm in my pyjamas and I look to my eldest brother pathetically, pleading with him.

"Go shower and dress, I'll keep them occupied." Everett murmurs and I exhale in relief.

"Thank you, Rett." I mumble, throwing my arms around him.

He holds me for a moment before I'm dashing off to my room.

I shower and dress in record time, pulling on a pale blue pullover and black jeans. It's nothing special, but I take the time to do my hair as usual before facing the chaos waiting for me.

When I reach the living room I am unsurprised to find Walter reading and Luka and Westley peering through my things. Amyas is flicking through my collection of theatre programmes whilst Everett reclines on the sofa, his eyes scanning a text on his phone.

"I thought you said you'd keep them occupied?" I grumble, removing my antique clock from Westley's hands. For someone so athletic, he is incredibly clumsy.

My eyes narrow as Everett smiles.

"A much harder feat than at first I thought." He says wisely.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask, flopping down on the sofa, very aware that Luka is trying to pocket my new wrist watch.

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