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 Cold wind blows 

As the storm brews 

It's one of those nights 

Where at 3 a.m. 

I'm wide awake 

 Surrounded by the darkness

Our castle doesn't feel like a home anymore 

You took what was beautiful 

And turned it into something venomous 

I love the way you lie to my face 

It's like you don't have a guilty conscience 

Or you're just too under the influence to give a damn 

Either way I can't sit around and watch you lose yourself no more

I'm tired of feeling like I'm never enough

So I'm cleaning out my closet and disappearing like Houdini

And my absence will not be temporary 

On the music box you gave me I left you a farewell 

I hope that when I'm gone you spend some time 

And work out what's inside your head 

Before you let your habits lead you to hit rock bottom 

Because deep down you're not evil or a bad guy 

You're no Lucifer that's for sure 

I just loved you more 

And you were never crazy in love with me 

I deserve so much better 

And I'm not afraid to start over 

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