What therianthropy is not

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Therianthropy is not:

•Gear: anyone can wear a Fox tail, doesn't make you a therian. Now lots of therians do wear gear to help them feel closer to their theriotype but that is a choice and not a requirement.

•Quadrobics: quads is a sport, an exercise. Lots of non-therians participate in competitions involving running on all fours!

•A sexuality: therianthropy is an identity it has nothing to do with sex or romantic attraction.

•A gender identity: it is not a gender, while some therians believe that their theriotype has a different gender than their human self that doesn't mean their new gender is that theriotype or theriotype's gender.

•Not a hobby: therianthropy is an identity, a show of what oneself is, not something to do when your bored

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