I actually crawled out of my den for that photo^
Den making is a great way to connect with your theriotype!
Things to call the den:
-caveItems to use to make den:
-furnitureTypes of dens:
-nests: usually just blankets in a circular formation to mimic that of a birds nest
-den/cave: usually wide space covered over head by something
-burrow: covered on most or all sides by somethingCommon places to make dens:
-under the bed
-a corner
-on top the bed
-a blanket fort
-outsideThings to put in a den:
-stuffed animals
-gear(I keep my gloves, chew toys, and sometimes tail here)
-blankets for coziness
-food(packaged food that your saving for later, don't want ants)
-precious items

A Guide: Therianthropy
Non-Fiction🍄Some tips and tricks to help you navigate life as a therian or otherkin! Also includes tips for specific types of animals, dictionary type chapters, and tips on connection!🍄 🌿I appreciate all the support that I can get!!🌿 🌺(These chapters are...