Scent marking

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First off, what is a scent marker? A scent marker is something therians use to mark their territory. (No we don't pee on trees) the following is a list of things you may want/new to make one, and then a recipe.

•The YouTuber Therian Territory has a great video on how to make a scent marker if you want to watch that!

Items you'd want/need:
-a spray bottle that's clean
-perfume or cologne
-tea leaves
-your spit, sweat, water from a shower,or blood(please don't harm yourself!), it can be urine but this is not the best to do.
-a lotion you use often
-I like to put dried orange peels and cloves in mine cause it smells nice!

Now that you have these ingredients follow the steps below⬇️
1) spit or put your other bodily fluid in the spray bottle(should only be a small amount!)
2)spray perfume or cologne into the spray bottle, 4-8 spritz works
3) add tea leaves
4) add the lotion or body wash
5) add the dried orange peels and cloves
6) finally add the water so that the spray bottle is about full
7) shake the bottle so it gets mixed up

Scent markers are great for therians with a territorial theriotype! You can spray on trees 2-3 times! I recommend spraying the same spots to keep your territory marked once every 2-3 weeks. This ensures that other animals can smell it, but that your not hiring the tree, grass, or other vegetation that may be there. You can also spray it on things like a backpack or blanket!

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