Ya'll are some the rarest therians I see so here ya go!
-eat salads, fruits and veggies
-if a beetle wear a horn type hat or spikes on clothes
-practice quads focus of walking and climbing
-get up to high places send elite of bugs can fly and climb
-if a pollinator take care of plants or be near flowers a lot
-wear the color of your theriotype, ex: black and yellow if bee
-if a spider get web decor
-crochet if a spider therian
-vocals: screeching, buzzing, hissing
-if a bug that stings or bits pinch your friends or objects for fun(be nice though)
-play in the dirt or mud
-act small and timid
-buy or make gear!

A Guide: Therianthropy
Non-Fiction🍄Some tips and tricks to help you navigate life as a therian or otherkin! Also includes tips for specific types of animals, dictionary type chapters, and tips on connection!🍄 🌿I appreciate all the support that I can get!!🌿 🌺(These chapters are...