How to tell people

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Some ways to tell people your a therian

QnA: ask them how they feel about furries or people who wear fox tails. Maybe try explaining to them what therianthropy is and see how they feel

Hinting: you can hint that your a therian by wearing gear to school or out and about, you can draw the symbol a lot. You can be pro furry and therian if it ever comes up, say stuff like "yeah furries are cool I mean look at those suits!"

Straight up: just go for it! Tell them your a therian! Make sure you explain theriantjropy well and explain how it's a identity not a hobby like furries or a sexuality like zoophiles(bad) explain what it means to you.

Don't: you don't have to if you don't wanna! Lots of therian keep therianthropy a secret because it's there personal side!

Picking and choosing: make sure if you do tell someone only tell those you absolutely trust or your really close to! Friends you've known for yours, or family!

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