Chapter 1

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Ayano Aishi couldn't feel anything. For as long as she remembered, she was incapable of feeling intense emotions or empathy for other people. She pretended to be normal, it was like a "hobby" to her, but that was it.

Her mother was just like her when she was young, but when she met her father, everything changed. Ayano longed for that someone all her life, it gave her a will to exist.

Ayano went to the prestigious post-high school academy named as... well, simply Akademi. Founded by Saikou in the early 70s, it was an academy where people could experience high school all over again. It was really expensive, but Ayano's parents, Jokichi and Ryoba Aishi, were fairly well off.

So, Ayano was running late for class, when she bumped onto someone.

"Ouch...!" She said.

"Oh, are you okay?" The boy asked. Black hair, dark eyes... Unremarkable.

But something in him... it made Ayano feel. Feel as if she could see colour for the first time. Feel as if she could feel warmth for the first time. Even her own tongue seemed delicious under his aura.

"Y-yes!" She said, accepting his hand.

"Sorry, see you later!" The boy said.

He went to a girl... a twin-tailed, orange-haired, oranged-eyed girl who was clearly trying to take him from her. She wanted to eliminate her, but she didn't even know who that girl was.

She stalked Senpai for the rest of the week, but Kokona Haruka, from the Drama Club, interrupted her.

"Hey, Yan-chan. We're making a play, but the main actress isn't here" Kokona said. "We are making a play about... a serial killer! Do you want to help?"

Ayano accepted. Thanks to the script, she learnt how to get away with murder, and she got the idea that she could murder that girl who was with Senpai.

At home, her mother was cooking dinner.

"Ayano, if you take a bath, please leave some hot water for your father!" Ryoba said.

Ayano didn't care. She just showered with cold water, and put on her pajamas.

Her father came, took a bath, and put on his pajamas. They all ate around the dinner room table.

"So, Ayano" Ryoba said. "Your father and I are going to America for at least 10 weeks!"

"Huh? Why?" Ayano asked.

"I saw... a friend" Ryoba simply said. "And I'm going to find him in that country, together with my husband"

"Ah, yes. I would like to see the States. There are other companies besides Saikou, and that is really interesting" Jokichi said.

"Well, as long as you're happy... I'm happy too!"

"Yeah... right" Jokichi snarked.

"Well, darling" Ryoba said, menacingly, to intimidate Jokichi. "We are going to have to leave poor Ayano all alone. Do you have anything to advise her?"

"Don't misbehave, Ayano. No boys over to home, understood?" Jokichi asked, slightly unnerved. "Take care of yourself, don't do risky stuff"

"Understood, dad" Ayano faked a smile. She always did that with her father. She pretended to be normal.

"You don't want to be alone, don't you?" Ryoba asked. "Don't worry. Your cousin Tachiko has moved in nearby and will attend Akademi"

Tachiko was a distant relative of Ayano. They shared a great-grandmother. They were closer than someone would expect, the Aishi family was close. But Ayano didn't really mind.

"Okay" Ayano said.


While stalking her Senpai, Ayano was approached by Kokona Haruka.

"Hey, Yan-chan. We have to rehearse for a play at the Drama Club, but the main star is absent. Could you help us?" Kokona asked. "It's about a serial killer!"

Ayano decided to help her. Perhaps it could help her learn the ropes on how to get rid of that orange-haired girl lethally.

It did teach her, yes. How to kill, dispose bodies, clean up blood, clean up weapons, dispose of her bloody clothing...

That very same evening, she received a text message.


[Do I know you?], Ayano asked.

[I saw you stalking an upperclassman today]

Ayano felt a tinge of... fear?

[You must have been confused], she justified herself.

[Don't play dumb with me. I know about your nature, and about the girl who hangs out with him], the person said.

[I'm listening]

[Her name is Osana Najimi. She's his childhood friend, and she has a crush on him], the person says. [She believes in the myth that if you confess to your lover under the cherry tree behind the school on Friday, they will reciprocate your love without doubt] [She will try to confess to him under that cherry tree this Friday]

[Why are you telling me this?], Ayano asked.

[I want to see Osana suffer], the person said.

[And who are you?], Ayano asked.

[Have you ever heard about Info-chan?]

Ayano knew who that was.

[She sells blackmail to people, and likes to dig up their dirty secrets. No one knows her real name]

[Oh, believe me. I sell a lot more than blackmail], Info-chan said.

[Are you telling me YOU'RE Info-chan?], Ayano asked.

[Take a look at your phone], Info-chan said.

An app has been installed on her phone.

[How did you do that?], Ayano asked.

[That's not of your concern. You can require my services, or just ignore me], Info-chan said. [I deal in Info points. I can give you those if you photograph panties or send me photos of your classmate faces... or complete bounties I give you... or stealing their phones and giving them to me on the Info Club room at Akademi so I can pirate them. Your choice]

Ayano pondered that.

[Don't ignore Osana-chan. You have until Friday to avoid her confessing to your Senpai] Info-chan said. [Make her suffer]

Ayano decided that she wasn't going to kill Osana. After all, her Senpai might get really sad if his childhood friend died. But she would get rid of Osana in another way.


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