Chapter 5

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Amai was being bullied by the gyaru girls, even worse than Horuda was before. Ayano consulted her reputation. Minus 90. If she got Amai's reputation to minus 100, then Amai would leave the school.

She went to the Cooking Club, but she found Shoku being Amai's replacement again.

"I'm sorry, Ayano, but... Amai-chan can't be the leader right now, and I believe Toriyasu-san's hypothesis, even if the others at school don't. You are expelled from the Cooking Club. Don't come back here again, please" Shoku said.

Ayano was informed by Info-chan that her reputation was... low. But it didn't matter. For a couple of Info-points, Info-chan would spread positive rumours about Ayano that would dispell all the negative press she got.

So, Ayano decided to take revenge on her former clubmates, and soaked Amai and Saki in water, stealing their phones and then giving them to Info-chan so she would install spyware on them.

After that, Ayano just let her reputation go up in exchange of all of those Info-points... and then went to the gyaru girls to gossip even more about Amai, using the rumour that she used stale mix to tank her reputation even further.

Soon that evening, the gyarus began an even greater onslaught against Amai. Ayano stalked them as they took Amai by surprise and force-cut her hair.

"Please! Stop it, I beg of you!" Amai shouted.

"You should be grateful! That hair must be full of stale mix, we are just getting rid of it!" Hoshiko laughed.

When they let go of Amai, she went away crying.

Info-chan later informed Ayano that Amai had asked her parents to withdraw her from Akademi. She would never get Senpai.


While walking around Buraza Town, Kizana Sunobu found Taro Yamada sitting peacefully. She was smitten on sight.

"You!" She shouted. Taro looked at her, surprised.

"Huh? Do I know you?" Taro asked.

"You DARE not know who the great Kizana Sunobu is?! I know you, Taro Yamada. You are from Akademi, Class 3-2, correct?" Kizana asked.

"Y-yeah" Taro whispered.

"It was to be expected" Kizana said. "I want you to be my Romeo... in the next play we're gonna do at the Drama Club: Romeo and Juliet!"

"Romeo... and Juliet?" Taro asked.

"Yes! Isn't it... romantic?" Kizana asked.

"I doubt that" Taro said. "You... DO know how that play ends, right?"

"There's nothing less romantic than two star-crossed lovers!" Kizana said.

"I... I don't really have anything else to do" Taro nods. "Of course. I'll play a part on the play"

"Perfect! See you on Monday!" Kizana smiled.


Info-chan informed Ayano and Tachiko about Kizana. She told Ayano that she wanted to make Kizana suffer.

Truly, she wouldn't care less about the women that Taro Yamada attracted to his vicinity. She only wanted to damage control the effect of the Aishi curse in the entirety of Japan. Itoko Aishi had hitched off with a woman, and Tachiko's curse was so tame that, by Info-chan's estimates, surely her descendant wouldn't be cursed with that affliction.

But that was only Info-chan's wishful thinking.


Tachiko found a box full of jewelry at school. She brought it to her home, and discovered all of those cute creatures called kwamis that would allow her to have superpowers. How exciting! She would be able to get Senpai's heart with ease using these!

She had decided to improve the mindslaving technique the Aishis had, in order to get better and more efficient mindslaves. Mindslaves that would actually retain will, even if that will was custom-made by Tachiko.


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