Chapter 3

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Tuesday morning, Kyuji Konagawa looked like a changed man. He had taken Ayano's advice at heart, given himself a tan, put his hair on a ponytail, had a lip piercing and wore earrings.

Ayano sent both Kyuji and Osana to that hanging spot, where Ayano told Kyuji to positively talk about cooking, negatively talk about science, show off some wisdom, and told him to give her a cat gift she had given him for that purpose. Osana was really glad, and her enamorement was growing. Ayano then helped Kyuji to become even wiser.

But it wasn't enough, she was still trying to pursue Senpai, as she wanted to read a special book of his, gifted by his sister. She realized that she could lethally eliminate Osana... or anyone who approached Senpai, really, if she gossiped about Horuda Puresu and drove her to murder.

So, she went off to speak with the gyaru girls, and gossiped with them, telling them about Horuda Puresu not liking to socialize. She also concocted some rumors, like for example that she killed small insects for fun.

"Oh my gosh, really? I gotta tweet this!" Hoshiko, the gyaru girl with green accents, said, while using her socials.

They went around people at school, telling them about the lies that Ayano had concocted. Soon, Info-chan informed her that Horuda's reputation had gone down the drain. The next day, she would be a target for bullying.


The next day went, and, unsurprisingly, Horuda was being harrased by the gyaru girls, who revealed themselves to be nasty bullies. Meanwhile, Ayano told Kyuji and Osana to go to the spot where she would tell Kyuji to woo her, tell her the things she wanted to hear, show off his wisdom, and give her another cat trinket.

But Osana was a bit distant. Ayano asked Kyuji to press her on what was wrong.

"Oh, uh... it's just... there is a guy who is stalking me" Osana said.

"Huh? A stalker?! Why don't you call the cops?" Kyuji asked.

"Because... well... you're gonna laugh..." Osana struggled. "He's kidnapped my cat! And he's threatening to kill her if I go to the cops!"

"The nerve of that asshole...!" Kyuji gripped his fists, furious. "I wish I could help you, Osana-chan. Really, I do!"

"Yeah, me too..." Osana whispered.

"Ask her the location of that guy's house" Ayano said through her headset.

Kyuji followed orders.

"What?! It's... too dangerous!" Osana shouts.

"Tell her that I'll help" Ayano said.

"Yan-chan will help" Kyuji smiled.

"R-really? Oh, well..." Osana said. She gave him the location of the stalker's house. "Please, be safe. And don't do crazy stuff. I have to go now... see you later, Kyuji..."

"See ya, Osana" Kyuji smiled.

He saw Osana and Raibaru go away, and waited for Ayano to go out of her hiding spot.

"What were you thinking, Ayano?!" Kyuji asked. "I can't go rescue a cat from a madman, even if it's Osana's"

"Listen to me" Ayano said. "Osana is already enamored, but it won't be enough. If you want it to stick, you have to do something that will make her fall in love with you"

"B-but..." Kyuji said.

"I will do most of the job. You just have to secure the perimeter" Ayano said. "Are you on this or not?"

Kyuji gulped. He nodded.

"Perfect" Ayano smiled, satisfied. Then she went away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Kyuji asked.

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