When You Get that Feeling | Jaiden, Phil, Chayanne, and Tallulah

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TW: shape shifting?, angst-ish?

       "Oh! Good morning Chayanne and Tallulah. I though the two of you were sleeping in today?" Jaiden raised an eyebrow at the dragon hatchlings that stood in front of her. She was only passing by Spawn, and saw the two of them talking to each other, but they were different. Chayanne doesn't talk very much, and Tallulah doesn't talk very little, yet they both were. "Oh, no. Phil said we could be up as long as we didn't get into danger," Tallulah answered slowly, thinking the words through carefully. 'Phil'? Thought Jaiden. 'Tallulah calls Phil Abuelito or Papa though?' 

      "Huh, okay," the woman replied timidly. "What are you guys up to?" Chayanne and Tallulah shared a glance, as if they were communicating in their heads. "We were... We were just going to pick flowers," the blonde boy said, although it sounded like more or a question than an answer. The two kids avoided eye contact, staring straight at the ground. "What kind of flowers? The one Tallulah throws around all the time?" Jaiden smiled, watching the two struggle for words. "Ye-yeah! I love.... sunflowers!" No. Nope. Absolutely not. This was NOT Tallulah, and this was NOT Chayanne. And as soon as she realized, Jaiden thought up of a quick excuse to leave. "Well! Haha... You guys have fun! I'm just gonna  visit a friend, okay?" 

     Then she began walking away somewhat calmly, but that calm walk turned into a full on sprint when she turned the corner of the Wall, a look of confusion, wonder, and maybe even a scare resting on her face. "I have got to talk to Philza." She climbed all the way up the green vines, having completely forgotten that waystones existed. "Phil?" She called immediately upon hoisting herself onto the tall structure. And Phil, who was talking to the crows and farming avocados, looked at Jaiden with a raised eyebrow. Her face was covered in sweat, she was lying on the mossy ground, and since the previous interaction had sunk in, she looked terrified. "Can I help you....? Are you okay?" He sped walked towards Jaiden, who put a thumbs up in the air, but was quick to flip it. "I have got to tell you what I just saw." 


    Sitting on one of Phil's chairs and looking out the window, she finished her story, fingers fiddling around. "So you're telling me that Chayanne and Tallulah are awake? I told them to sleep today, and I don't see them on player tracker," Phil said with confusion, looking at the small device he held that showed different pin points of people. "Yes! But they weren't normal! Chayanne was talking more than usual, Tallulah was speaking less than usual, and they both refused to make eye contact with me! They looked kind of nervous." Jaiden ran a hand through her hair, stress taking over again. "How do we know that maybe they just weren't feeling like their normal selves?" He wouldn't believe it. Clones on Quesadilla Island? That just didn't seem possible. "Well, for the cherry on top, I asked what they were doing and Chayanne said 'picking flowers', but when I answered 'what kind of flowers? The ones that Tallulah throws around all the time?' she said, 'Yeah... I love sunflowers!' everyone knows that she likes poppies! She didn't even call you 'Abuelito' or 'Papa', she called you by your name!" 

      Phil bit his lip, looking at the few crows that sat beside him with tilted heads, eyes full of wonder. Even they understood that something was wrong. 

      "I'm not saying that I don't believe you, because I fully do! This island makes no sense! But, still, if those aren't my kids, then what are they?" His face grew pale. "Jaiden," Phil said slowly, eyes looking outside the house. "What's up?" She asked, voice carrying worry. The blonde man could do nothing but point outside the window. Jaiden slowly turned her head...

      "What the heck!? There's two?!" The Binary Code...s? They both looked corrupted, numbers a slight yellow shade rather than the normal neon green, and the number were different. Instead of being perfectly cylinder shaped, the tops of them peeled, similar to one of those toys you'd get your fingers stuck in as a child. They carried swords of great danger. 

      Both Jaiden and Phil jumped up from their wooden chairs, grabbing ahold of the swords from their sides as they watched the Codes fly around Phil's dirt roof, which was falling apart slightly. "They look angry!" Phil commented, jumping back when they attempted to break his door down. "Why are their two?! We should warn the others, right? Or get help?" The half-crow nodded, pulling his communicator from his pocket and quickly typing into their group chat, 'TTT unless you want to help fight TWO Codes! It's not safe outside, they're angry!' The message sent fairly quickly, and soon enough, most everyone was inside their homes with the doors locked. Everyone except Etoiles, who'd offered to help. 

Classic Etoiles.

     "Wait, what about Tallulah and Chayanne?!" Phil screeched, dropping his communicator on the floor but not caring to pick it up. "Actually, what if these are the Tallulah and Chayanne that you just saw? What if they're shape shifters? Imposters?" Jaiden had wide eyes, "It'd make sense! They were acting so weird!" 

     The sound of a loud 'bang' caught both of their attention, sending glances at the locked door on the side, where one of the Codes was attempting to break through. "Where's the other?!" Jaiden screamed. "It's going to the real Tallulah and Chayanne! But they should be fine, I reinforced everything around them. At least, I hope they're safe!" Jaiden nodded, gasping when the door was hit again by the Code.

 The door was cracking. 

     "It won't last much longer, what do we do?" She said, holding her sword close. "We prepare to fight. There's no other way," Phil muttered, going through his backpack and pulling out a few golden apples, potions, a scythe, a weird looking shield, and a slingshot loaded with.... cobwebs? "Here," the Brit said, tossing Jaiden a normal shield and three golden apples. "We're gonna need it if that Code breaks in." 

     "Not if, when!" Just as Jaiden said that, pieces of the door fell to the ground, the Code swinging its sword Jaiden's way, but she brought up the shield in time. "Finally decided to stop being such a goddamn scaredy cat?" Phil yelled, hitting the Code with his scythe. It fought back, taking away three hearts of damage from the both of them. "It's strong!" 

     Another swing of the scythe and the Code stumbled backwards, flying to rise up again. Most of the attack was a blur for Phil, but he remembered Jaiden being knocked, and the Code targeting her primarily. However, it didn't get far, and after a lot more hits, the Code was knocked. Phil revived Jaiden, telling her to have the final hit, and so that's what she did. One down, one to go. 

    Using the same strategy as before, the second Code monster was dead in no time. Phil was quick to open the trapdoor to his basement, pretty much jumping down instead of using the ladder. "Chay? Lullah?" He called, turning around to see Tallulah, the real one, curled up in her brother's arms, tearing falling down her face. They both shook violently, eyes closed and occasional whimper of fear. "It's just me, you're safe now," the blonde man whispered, hugging the two. Once Chayanne and Tallulah recognized him, they dove into his arms, breathing heavily. "We were so scared Papa," Tallulah cried. "I know, but it's okay, the Codes are dead now. Well, for now. "I'm happy you're okay Dad," Chayanne's quiet self whispered, wrapping both arms around his father's neck. "I'm glad that you're okay." 

     "I'll always be here to protect you, okay? I won't ever let you down," Phil promised, sitting both of them back on their individual beds. "Thanks Dad," said Chayanne. He hadn't been crying, but it was clear that he was on the verge, most likely holding it in to prove that he was strong.

    "Phil!?" The voice of a French man called. "Stay right here you two, I'll be right back." He climbed back up the ladder, opening the trapdoor to reveal a relieved Jaiden and Etoiles, who had the best armor possible and the deadliest of weapons. "What happened to the Codes?" The green guy asked, looking around. "We killed them." 

     "Aww, man! I was looking for a challenge!" Etoiles complained, causing the other two to burst into fits of laughter. "What even happened?" Phil explained the situation as fast as possible, ready to go back to his children. "So they can shape shift? That's scary. At least they're gone now." Jaiden nodded, "if we've seen two, who knows how many more there are. This could only be the beginning." Etoiles agreed, "well, lemme know if you need help next time? Maybe even save some for me?" They laughed again, "sure, Etoiles. Sure." 

    Soon both Jaiden and Etoiles left, leaving Phil crawling back down the ladder and into the basement. He turned around expecting the kids to be talking, but they both were sleeping. Tallulah still sniffled, and Chayanne still shook, but they were okay, and that's all that mattered. The Crow Father kissed the kids' foreheads and whispered a goodnight, and before he left the room, he wished them sweet dreams. 

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