A Night at the Beach | Pomme and Dapper

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TW: none really

(A/N: if you enjoy these stories and can fluently speak French, Spanish, or Portuguese, you can translate these stories and use them! Just be sure to give credits! Sorry to everyone that can't understand English the best, it's my first language and I can't speak any previously listed. P.S.: HELP, IT'S STORMING AND I CAN'T GO A SECOND WITHOUT HEARING THUNDER, LITERALLY!)

    What more is there to do than sit on the beach during a warm summer evening? You can probably come up with so many things, but Pomme couldn't. She had suggested going flower picking with Etoiles, but his response was "I'm sorry Pomme, but I'm going to go do a dungeon with Philza." She then wanted to go bike riding with Aypierre, but he was busy. Antoine? Sleeping. Baghera? Theorizing all of the mysterious number 7s. Kameto? Where even was that one? As a last resort, the little girl decided to go sit on the beach made by the Brazilians. She remembered when it was first created, and all of the amazing memories that followed. Like the stories of the bulls that made their way out in the middle of it, Foolish being a magician, and how difficult it had been to get the water to even out. 

    Pulling her knees up to her chest, Pomme looked out over the ocean and out at the setting sun. It reminded her of Bobby, her brother that she hadn't heard much about, because he was deceased. It reminded her that she should've been happy. All of the other dragon hatchlings were constantly locked inside because they were down one life. Well, all except Dapper, because he and Bad were always up to something weird. 

    Dapper. The sibling that Pomme felt closest too. They'd gotten into all sorts of shenanigans over the past couple months, mostly because the blonde's sleeping schedule was messed up, and she only ever really saw Dapper. Thinking about him reminded her of the time that they locked Bad out of the cabin, and he said he was fine, he could live alone, but came running back to them later. They'd made apple pie and laughed the night away. Why couldn't every day be like that? Making jokes together, not a single worry in the mind. Why did the Code have to ruin everything? 

     "Pomme?" She could've sworn she'd heard. She rose her head, looking around before deciding that maybe it was only the waves crashing to shore, making her red dress slightly damp because she'd been too close to the water, but didn't care enough to move. Her Mary Janes and long white and red socks were discarded behind her, allowing her to sink her toes into the soft sand as she pondered. The smell of saltwater was somewhat soothing, and the crashing of short waves on shore was like music to her ears. She held her flute close, expecting to have played it by the ocean, but never found a reason to. For fun? Nah, she'd gotten a bit bored of trying to think of new songs, and learning one that she'd been introduced to only a couple of days before.

    "Pomme....?" She heard again, the 'o' being dragged out. But when she snapped her head around, she saw nobody. "Am I imagining things?" She mumbled to herself, setting the flute to the side and wrapping her arms around her knees. "No, you're not," a familiar voice laughed as she heard the crunching of sand behind her. She stood up and turned around with a smile, carefully dusting the sand off of her dress before she looked at her older brother. "Where were you even hiding?" She giggled. "I drank an invisibility potion to troll some people, then I was walking by here and saw you all alone," Dapper explained. "Are you okay?" His smile lowered into a frown as he titled his head, seemingly worried for the girl. "Yeah, I'm fine! I just kind of got bored... and... My parents were busy. Did Bad let you go outside? Or did you just sneak out?" Pomme asked. The two sat side-by-side in the sand, looking over the saltwater. Dapper shrugged. "Technically I didn't sneak out, but technically I didn't ask to go out either. Dad was sleeping, and I didn't want to wake him up, sooo... I just left." 

    Pomme cracked a smile at that, Dapper always had some sort of admirable craziness to him. "By the way, I took some rainbow jelly from my backpack earlier, do you want some?" Dapper knew that Pomme always seemed to love that stuff, and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't too. "Oh, yessss!" 

    Then they were both rainbow colored. A conversation hadn't gone long without the two of them standing knee deep in the ocean water, splashing each other but being careful not to get saltwater in the other's eyes. When they were done goofing off, they sat on the beach again. The sun had set a long time ago, a moon now high above them. 

    Giggling, they laid back in the soft sand, looking up at the night sky. "I see you brought your flute with you, have you learned anything new?" Dapper said, propping himself up on his elbow. "Not really. I was working on something the other day, but I kind of got bored halfway through." 

"Can I hear the beginning of it?" The black haired boy asked. Pomme sat up, thinking about it. She wasn't the best at it, but she'd still remembered the familiar tune. "I suppose so," she shrugged, grabbing the flute from behind her. "It goes a little something like this...." 

    And so the blonde haired girl began playing the tune to a song that she liked, but never finished learning. Latin Fire, a classic song for any instrument. Dapper watched her play the notes with wide eyes, surprised at how quickly she'd have to have picked up on that in the span of two days. When she suddenly stopped, he had no words, mouth having fallen agape. 

    "Is it bad...?" She whispered after 5 seconds, holding the bamboo flute close to her chest. "What? No! That was amazing! You're really talented Pomme! I'm so proud of you!" Dapper cheered, bringing over a hand to wipe some sand that she had on her forehead. Pomme wasted no time and dove into her brother's arms. "I really needed to hear that. You're the best big brother I could ever have," she sniffed, squeezing the life out of her brother, who was unfazed. "And you," Dapper paused, running a hand through her long blonde hair, "are the bestest little sister in the entire world. No matter what happens, that won't ever change." 

   The rest of their night was spent lying on the beach, making jokes till the sun came up, without a worry in mind. 

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