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Aj's pov

I've been feeling unmotivated these past few days, i shouldn't have said that stuff i was just frustrated, even though that's not an excuse. i still said it.
I hurt her.

I hate myself for saying such things to her, i want to talk to her but i know she doesn't feel the same way, most of the time i was the one that would start random fights all of beacause the stress of everything from my public life to my personal one. i feel awful
"its my fault man i should of just stayed quiet" i said "i mean no but yes, you obviously said the wrongest thing ever but you guys really need to communicate more. It's at the base of every type of relationship man" Niko told me.

He's right but i dont know, though. i do still think that if I don't say anything, everything will just go as normal with no discussion but by far was all the opposite to be fair.

"i want to talk to her but for real this time i care about her"
"if you feel ready aj, think about what you want to say to her be more open about how you feel, especially let her know you care about her and the relationship.

basically, dont be a prick please. " im thankful to have an amazing friend. i would have probably messed up everything.

"all right, thank you
i appreciate it."

"don't even worry about it"

days pass by; ___ pov

i was at work still thinking about the letters, when out of nowhere i hear a notifica sound not the usual one though a different one.
"Aj?" I whispered to myself, of course I was not using my phone at work, i always turn it off
gosh, i gotta stop daydreaming, it's probabily someone else's notification
"not everythings about you ___" i whispered to myself again.

"wait what happened? you talking about a-" Ava said sneaking up to me withous finishing the sentence as i was cutting her mid sentence
"gosh, stop sneaking on me like that Ava! you made my heart drop" I just let out a slight annoyed sigh.

"what got you mind so full hm?" She said with a grin on her face
"nothing and stop doing that face please, let's go back to work all right? "
"whatever you say ___" She smiled at me this time while i was going to the back of the cafe

20:30; after work

"where's my key" i whispered.
My god finally eneded my shift, today has been pretty busy, there was way too many people this late at night, i usually don't stay at work that much i should've finished at 20pm but they made me stay about 15min more "man"
i got so tired i didnt even glanced at my phone just went straight up inside my house.

"I missed you bed" i fell directly on my bed i was so tired —sigh
i couldnt even change my clothes that i have alredy fallen asleep, this was going to cost my sleep schedule again man

02:03 am

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock i had on my desk.

"2am?? oh my, fuck" i stood up and went to change my clothes to my pijama, i wasnt even that hungry i just grabbed some left overs for then brushing my teeth.

as i finally went to bed i grabbed my phone i wasnt sleepy of course.
he texed me..HE TEXED ME.


all right let's chill out, was probabily a mistake, also its like 3am now I don't think he even uses the phone during this time of the day c'mon.
"do i open it? nah...but im very curiuos right now soo"

aj ♡

 two weeks ago

after the shooting let's go out alr?

                                     oh okay I'll wait then

love you 
                                                     love you too
                    《 new message 》

can we talk? for real this time

like two adults

" like two adults? please he was the one who didnt act his own damn age" I let out a sarcastic chuckle.
Why now though?

"hold onnnn, he sended it to me when i was at work stop, did i ghosted him without even meaning it, stop stop youre fucking lyingg, that's why the two adults thing, oh my god"
Fuck what do i tell him now
'all right' ?
i dont know, I mean it's what i wanted in the first place why am i doubting. oh my it doesnt matter okay.

                    《 new message 》

can we talk? for real this time

like two adults


isn't it weird though?, i just answered at like almost 3am i dont know mann whats done is done i guess..
Oh right, do i tell Luna about this? or I'll talk with him and then tell Luna.
Okay i'll tell her that i'm gonna talk with him not the whole thing, messages blah blah blah, and then tell her what we talked about, yeah —sigh.

i'm pretty nervous now..


second chapter woo hope u liked it ;)

words: 869

don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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