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"I'll get one more okay? i promiseee it's my last one" ___ said smiling hard at Aj
"___ you're not sober" Aj gently grabbed her arm stopping her from standing up "pleaseee and yes i am soberr" she made puppy eyes thinking it would work "no you're not and don't look at me like that" he tried to not make eye contact, it was kinda of a weakness.

They were at a friends party, only thing was that Aj had left ___ for a bit since he had some unfinished business of course he was still going to be attending at the party he was not going to left ___ alone the whole night.
But things did not go as planned, Sharky called Aj to come at the party since ___ had been drinking a lot without being noticed of course they tried to stop her but she was very very good at hiding.

"stay still alright?" he said softly "what if i don't" she replied while smirking with her arms now grabbing onto his neck.
"i would've never thought of seeing this much of pda from you guys, closest thing to a kiss was holding hands" Kenny said while laughing, appearing out of nowhere "just shut up man, keep her here a second I'm gonna go grab some water" Aj grabbed her arms and put them down he then started heading to the drinks.
"here" he hands her the water
"another drink? thank you love" she was sitting at the couch still smiling, looking up at him.
Aj was not going to tell her it was water, as long as she drinked it, it was good.

"you good now?" Aj asked while looking at her, she was resting her head on his shoulder "can i have one morwre"
"you still want one?" he chuckled "mhm" she smiled "c'mon lets go home so you can rest well, you look tired" he gently grabbed her arms and stood up, he then held her hand waiting for her to stand up.

"we're going home she's getting pretty tired" Aj said to the person having the party "oh alright then, also, I'm sorry Aj i didn't know it would've ended up like this.." their friend said worried.
"oh thank you, and don't worry it can happen, thank you for having us. Bye" he smiled and left the house with ___

"yeah we're going home now and yes she's a bit better, yeah"

Aj was on the phone with Sharky and the others

"___ HII" chunkz said screaming

"stop the screamingg" Aj said as always

"HI CHUNKZ" ___ was still acting very bubbly and happy
as Aj laughed "alright guys we're close home now"
"BYEE" the four of them said
"byee i love ywou guys so much" ___ said

at home

___ instantly threw herself onto the couch "can you sleep with me?" she asked Aj
"let's go upstairs you're going to have a bad sleep here" he said while sitting beside her "i don't want to go upstairs I'm tired"
Aj just lifted her up and started going to their room "wow you're strong you know"
"am i" he chuckled, Aj knew how she acted when drunk, ___ speaks her mind with no filters, only thing was that she becomes very flirty which is not common seeing her saying stuff like this
"yeah very very strong"
Aj left her on the bed "I'm gonna bring your pijama alright"

"here, im gonna go to the bathroom so i can go change too when you're done just call me okay?" he left her pj beside her

"I'm donee" she said in front of the bathroom door
Aj grabbed the makeup remover and some cotton
"Perfect then, imma remove your makeup so you can sleep well okay" he said very gently

Aj was in front of her while she was sitting on the bed.
He gently rubbed the piece of cotton over her face. He was not an expert but still tried his best.

"wait" ___ told him "does it hurt?" Aj got interrupted by a kiss "you're just really cute"
"well then thank you." He didn't expect it to be fair, but he still smiled with a little chuckle.
  "you're all done. You can go to sleep now"

He was ready to leave but ___ insisted to sleep with him, Aj didn't like much of sleeping with her when she was drunk not beacause he would do something but just out of respect, he doesn't want her to be uncomfortable and also because she could of have the bed all for her and sleep comfortably.
"stay" she said "please?" he could see the effects of the drinks were slowly disappearing "If you want to, i can wait till you fall asleep" as he held her hand "i want you beside me, please?" she layed making space for him.

Aj sighed and layed as well, she quickly hugged him "now i can sleep well"
"you do?" he smiled "you're cute when you act this bold" he said while looking at her but she alredy fell asleep, he looked at her for a few seconds, kissed her forhead, closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around her.

even if he gets tired he likes a lot taking care of her.


A/N: sorryyy for posting this late, I've been very busy with school :(
i hope you liked it i had fun writing this ^^

words: 903

don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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