you are everything to me

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angst? plus its a bit dramatic ik lmfao 😭

"so this is it?" Aj asked you, you could see from his eyes that he was hurt from what have you decided.
"I guess so, yeah im sorry.."
"but why?, we can still stay togheter, if theres something thats bothering you tell me ill change just please" he told you while holding your hands, his hands were bigger than yours and you could feel the warmth coming from them, his touch was still comforting bringing peace to you.

Of course you did not wanted to leave him but it was for the best.
you had to travel to another country because of your dream job, and did not wanted to keep the relationship going as it was going to turn into a long distance one. it would of be more painful that way, since it could and would be very difficult to handle.

"you didn't do anything Aj, as ive said before I don't know if I would be able to have a long distance relationship especially with you, i love you, i still do but its just going to be know difficult"
"difficult? just- please ___ just think about it, we can do it togheter theres no need to end our relationship like this you still love me and so do i, i love you ___" he said getting more and more close to you "please" as he cut the space between the both by unifying his lips with yours, while cupping your face.
it was a sweet kiss with no lust behind it, just pure love.
deep down he knew you wouldn't change your mind, and that it was very important for you.

he was the first one to congratulate you and wouldn't be more happier than seeing you happy but why did it had to end, that question was bothering him as he couldn't think of any flaws into turning the relationship into a distant one, as he would of still love you the same way he always did.

He still begs for it to be a joke and a bad prank. he doesn't want to lose you.
as the kiss comes to an end "please at least lets try ___" he says almost whispering while looking deeply into your eyes.

Your arms reached for him pulling him into a warm hug "you're everything to me ___ i love you" his arm were on you waist, as he kissed your head
"as soon as it gets hard we wont speak to each other again okay?"
"it won't happen" Aj lifted you and gently trhew you on the couch he then lied down beside you ready to cuddle you and fill you with kisses all over your face and neck

"I love you too aj" as you cupped his face giving him a peck on his lips.

and yes Aj was right it went pretty well, you were just really nervous of a big change and overthinking it but it ended up being more calm than what you expected with the only flaw of missing each other pretty frequently.

Of course on yours and his free time (or literally just sneaking out of your job and shooting for Aj) you would be texting or calling each others even if it was for a few seconds just to hear an "I love you" from the other.

Sometimes when Aj and the guys would go to the country you were now living he would sneak out for at least two days to spend time with you enjoying every moment, the guys would of cours know of Aj sneaking out but won't say a thing since they know how embarrassed Aj would get even though when flying back to England they would tease him for the whole flight.


N/A: don't know how to feel about this its a bit short but liked the idea ^^

I think Aj would be the type of guy to be obsessed, literally over heels for his s/o but won't show it too much when outside, so only you knew how soft he would get with you 🫶

words: 663

don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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